Exercise 1
Listen to the audio file and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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What is going on with Marina?
Marina is tired. Marina is sick. Marina is married.
Audio 2
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What is the teacher speaking about?
the running of the bulls cock-fights bull-fights
How does the teacher feel about this?
The teacher does not like bull-fights. The teacher loves Spanish culture The teacher enjoys bull-fights.
Audio 3
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Where is Kristina?
Kristina is in the store. Kristina is in the bathroom. Kristina is in the school.
Where is Emyl?
Everyone knows No one knows Emyl is in the bathroom.
How does the male speaker feel?
He is sad. He is excited. He feels sick.
Audio 4
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Can you guess the topic of conversation between these students?
preferred methods of travel. last spring break next summer vacation
Audio 1
Mario: Oye, ¿dónde está Marina?
Hey, where is Marina?
Eugenia: No está en su escritorio.
She is not at her desk.
Mario: Ahora recuerdo. Está en su casa.
Now I remember. She is at home.
Eugenia: ¿Está enferma?
Is she sick?
Mario: No, llamó en la mañana. Está muy cansada.
No, she called in the morning. She is very tired.
Eugenia: Pues yo también estoy cansada.
Well I also am very tired.
Mario: Pero estás aquí. También los jefes están hoy aquí.
But you are here. Also the bosses are here today.
Eugenia: ¡Creo que Marina está en problemas!
I think that Marina is in trouble!
Audio 2
No transcript available.
Audio 3
Dominika: ¿Dónde están todos nuestros amigos?
Where are all our friends?
Samuel: Kristina está en el baño.
Kristina is in the restroom.
Dominika: Y Andrea y Natalia ¿dónde están?
And Andrea and Natalia, where are they?
Samuel: Están comprando medicinas en la farmacia.
They are buying medicine in the pharmacy.
Dominika: ¿Están con Emil?
Are they with Emil?
Samuel: No, no sé dónde está Emil.
No, I don't know where Emil is.
Dominika: Y tú ¿por qué estás aqui?
And you, why are you here?
Samuel: Yo estoy muy mal.
I am very sick.
Audio 4
Speaker 1: ¿Qué vas a hacer este verano?
What are you going to do this summer?
Speaker 2: Voy de vacaciones con mi familia.
I'm going on vacation with my family.
Speaker 1: ¿Cómo prefieres viajar?
How do you prefer to travel?
Speaker 2: Me gustan los aviones porque puedo llegar más rápido.
I like airplanes because I can get there faster.
Speaker 1: Yo prefiero viajar en tren pero mi familia siempre va de vacaciones en coche.
I prefer to travel by train but my family always goes on vacation by car.
Speaker 2: También me encanta hacer excursiones en autobús en las ciudades grandes.
I also love taking bus tours in big cities.
Audio 5
No transcript available.
Audio 6
Muchacho: Muy buenos días, señorita.
Very good morning, Miss.
Señorita: Buenos días.
Good morning.
Muchacho: ¿Puedo saber cómo te llamas?
Am I able to know how you are called?
(Would you tell me your name?)
Señorita: Mmm..Me llamo Silvia.
Mmm..My name is Silvia,
Muchacho: ¡Pero qué lindo nombre!
But what a beautiful name!
Señorita: Muchas gracias.
Many thanks. (Thank you very much.)
Muchacho: ¿De dónde eres? Pareces norteamericana.
Where are you from? You look North-American.
Señorita: No, soy de Moscú, Rusia.
No, I am from Moscow, Russia.
Exercise 2
Exercise 3