Exercise 1
Listen to the audio files and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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What is being discussed?
a school uniform church clothes sports clothes
Audio 2
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How many bedrooms and baths does the house have?
four bedrooms and two baths two bedrooms and two baths three bedrooms and two baths
Audio 3
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Where is Marisa going on Saturday?
to the supermarket and to the school to the vegetable market and to the bank to the supermarket and to the bank
Audio 4
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Who is tall and thin?
Don Quixote Sancho Panza Don Perdro
How does the lady describe Sancho Panza?
short, thin and funny short, fat and funny tall, fat and funny
Audio 5
Listen to the audio file and select the most appropriate answer for the question.
Click to start or stop audio
El rey Juan Carlos asiste al bautizo. Sí, la iglesia está lejos del hotel.
Audio 6
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This woman has some money problems.
True False Information not provided
Audio 1
Mamá: Antonio, ¿tienes que llevar uniforme en tu nueva escuela?
Antonio, do you have to wear a uniform at your new school?
Antonio: Sí mamá, tenemos que llevar pantalones de color negro o de azul marino.
Yes mom, we have to wear black pants or navy blue pants.
Audio 2
Ahora estoy en la casa de mi nueva familia en los Estados Unidos. Ellos tienen una casa bastante grande con cuatro dormitorios y dos baños.
Now I am in the house of my new family in the United States. They have a fairly large house with four bedrooms and two bathrooms.
Audio 3
Jorge: Marissa, ¿adónde vas este sábado?
Marissa, where are you going this Saturday?
Marissa: Voy con mi madre a súpermercado y después al banco.
I am going with my mother to the supermarket and then to the bank.
Jorge: ¿A qué hora van a salir?
What time are you all going to leave?
Marissa: Mas o menos a las diez.
Around ten o'clock
Audio 4
Don Quijote es alto y delgado pero Sancho Panza es bajo y gordo. Don Quijote es muy serio y Sancho Panza es muy cómico.
Don Quixote is tall and thin, but Sancho Panza is short and fat. Don Quixote is very serious and Sancho Panza is very funny.
Audio 5
No transcript available.
Audio 6
No transcript available.
Exercise 2
Exercise 3