Exercise 1
Listen to the audio files and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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The man offers the woman fruitcake.
Falso Verdadero
The man offers the woman various soft drinks.
Falso Verdadero
The man offers the woman mineral water, milk, and iced tea.
Verdadero Falso
Audio 2
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The most important things in her life are...
Spain, money and family God, family and money family, health, and money
Audio 3
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What does the girl want from her mother?
tickets to attend a soccer gamet tickets to attend a religious event tickets to attend a music concert
Audio 4
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What would the girl like to drink?
orange soda coke orange juice
Audio 5
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Where are these two people from?
They are from Mexico. They are from Spain. They are Spanish. They are from Guatemala.
Audio 6
Listen to the audio file and select the most appropriate answer for the question.
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Ninguno está aquí. La orca está en peligro de extinción.
Audio 1
El mesero: ¿Quiere algo de beber señora.
Would you like something to drink ma'am?
La señora: ¿Qué tienen?
What do you have?
El mesero: Tenemos horchata, agua de frutas, agua mineral, leche, té helado y varios refrescos.
We have horchata, fruit water, mineral water, milk, iced tea and various soft drinks.
La señora: Té helado, por favor, con mucho hielo.
Iced tea, please, with lots of ice.
Audio 2
Speaker 1: ¿Cuáles son las tres cosas más importantes en tu vida?
What are the three most important things in your life?
Speaker 2: Bueno pues, primero la familia, luego la salud, es muy importante y luego tambien, el dinero es importante para esta vida.
Well, first the family, then health, is very important and then also, money is important for this life.
Speaker 1: Pues, si.
Well, yes.
Audio 3
Hija: Mami, ¿sabes que mi cumpleaños está muy cerca?
Mommy, you know my birthday is coming up?
Mom: Sí, mi querida. ¿qué quieres hacer para celebrar?
Yes, my dear. What do you want to do to celebrate?
Hija: Me encantaría ir al concierto de Lady Gaga.
I'd love to go to Lady Gaga's concert.
Audio 4
La señora: Hace tanto calor hoy y tengo muchísima sed. Necesita pedir un refresco.
It's so hot today and I'm so thirsty. You need to order a drink.
Tomas: ¿Que prefieres? ¿te gusta el cafe frio? Aquí sirven uno muy rico.
What do you prefer? Do you like cold coffee? Here they serve a very rich one.
La señora: No, el café no me apetece, no es bueno para la salud. Prefiero un zumo de naranja.
No, coffee doesn't appeal to me, it's not good for your health. I prefer an orange juice.
Audio 5
No transcript available.
Audio 6
No transcript available.
Exercise 2
Exercise 3