Listen to the audio files and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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Where does Vasilio live?
In a small apartment in the center of town
In a large apartment in the center of town
In a small apartment in the outskirts of the city
Audio 2
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What is going to happen in five months?
Her parents will celebrate their wedding anniversary
Her parents are getting a divorce
Her parents are moving
Audio 3
In the audio below, the woman is asked to list the major problems she faces in her life.
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Money is a major problem for this woman.
Information not provided.
Audio 4
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Is Teresa Ramirez wealthy?
She is impoverished
Definately not
Audio 5
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What is this lady speaking about?
the army of Argentina
the flag of Argentina
the flag of Colombia
Audio 6
Listen to the audio file and select the most appropriate answer for the question.
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No puedo abrir la puerta.
Yo tengo mucha suerte.
Audio 1
Vasilio, un estudiante, vive en un apartamento pequeño y modesto en el centro. Le gusta muchísimo vivir solo. Para pagar la matrícula, y el alquiler de su apartamento, maneja un taxi los fines de semana.
Vasilio, a student, lives in a small and modest apartment downtown. He really likes living alone. To pay his tuition, and the rent for his apartment, he drives a taxi on the weekends.
Audio 2
El aniversario de los padres de Luisa es en cinco meses y Luisa quiere comprarles algo verdaderamente especial.
Luisa's parents' anniversary is in five months and Luisa wants to buy them something really special.
Audio 3
No transcript available.
Audio 4
Teresa Ramírez es rica. Tiene una casa enorme en la ciudad, otra en el campo, y muchísimo dinero en su cuenta de ahorros.
Teresa Ramírez is rich. She has a huge house in the city, another in the country, and a lot of money in her savings account
Audio 5
La bandera es un símbolo importante de una nación. La bandera de la Argentina tiene tres colores, celeste, blanco y oro. La bandera tiene tres rayas, la raya del centro es blanca, con un sol en el centro, las otras dos rayas son celestes.
The flag is an important symbol of a nation. The flag of Argentina has three colors, light blue, white and gold. The flag has three stripes, the center stripe is white, with a sun in the center, the other two stripes are light blue.
Audio 6
No transcript available.