Listen to the audio files and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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What do the children want?
a coke
an ice cream cone
fresh fruit
Audio 2
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Who gave the woman the stuffed cat?
her dad
her boyfriend.
her girlfriend
Audio 3
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What are the topics of discussion?
This information is not provided.
the rivers of Europe.
the major oceans and rivers of the world
Audio 4
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What event negatively impacted her life?
her school was destroyed by fire
the park was destroyed by fire
her store was destroyed by fire
In what year did this occur?
Information not provided
Audio 5
In the audio below, the woman is asked to talk about her work and her life.
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This woman works as an...
English teacher
Spanish teacher
She works primarily with...
Audio 6
Listen to the audio file and select the most appropriate answer for the question.
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La blusa con rayas azul marino.
Hace mucho calor.
Audio 1
Maria: Jose Luis, un helado, por favor.
Jose Luis, an ice cream please.
Jose Luis: ¿un helado?
An ice cream?
Maria: Sí, un helado de fresa - un helado grande.
Yes, a strawberry ice cream - a large ice cream.
Jose Luis: Muy bien, ¿y tu Juanito?
Very well, and you Juanito?
Juanito: Un helado de chocolate.
A chocolate ice cream.
Jose Luis: Muy bien, ¿y tu Carmen?
Very well, and you Carmen?
Carmen: Yo, una limonada.
A lemonade.
Jose Luis: Muy bien.
Very well.
Audio 2
De todas las cosas que tengo, mi favorita es una gata de peluche que me regaló mi novio. Para mí, tiene un gran valor sentimental, pero para mi familia, significa una cosa más en la colección.
Of all the things I have, my favorite is a stuffed cat that my boyfriend gave me. To me, it has great sentimental value, but to my family, it means one more thing in the collection.
Audio 3
No transcript available.
Audio 4
Speaker 1: ¿Hay un experiencia que me puede contar que tuvo un impacto fuerte en su vida?
Is there an experience you can tell me that had a strong impact on your life?
Speaker 2: El impacto fuerte que tuve es que tuvimos una tiendecita abajo el parque pero se quemó, llevó el incendio.
The strong impact I had is that we had a little store below the park but it burned, the fire took it.
Speaker 1: ¿En qué año paso?
What year did it happen?
Speaker 2: No se qué año será pero ya tiene tiempo.
I don't know what year it would be but it was a while ago.
Audio 5
Speaker 1: ¿Puedes describir un poco de su vida, en qué trabaja, tu familia?
Can you describe a little of your life, what type of work does your family do?
Speaker 2: Soy maestra de inglés, trabajo en la escuela, doy clases a niños desde los cuatro años hasta los trece.
I am an English teacher, I work in the school, I teach children from the age of four to thirteen.
Audio 6
No transcript available.