Reflexive pronouns are used when one is doing something to oneself.
himself, herself, itself
yourself (formal)
ourselves, each other
yourselves, each other used in Spain
themselves, each other
yourselves (formal)
Nonreflexive Form Lavo la cabeza de mi hijo.
I wash my son's head.
Reflexive Form Me lavo las manos.
I wash my hands.
Él se lava.
He washes himself. Ellos se lavan las manos.
They wash their hands. Yo me baño rápido.
I bathe quickly. Tú no te peinas bien.
You don't comb your hair well. Ella se viste.
She dresses herself. Él se pone el abrigo.
He puts the coat on. Me cepillo el cabello todas las noches.
I brush my hair every night. Ella nunca se pinta las uñas.
She never paints her nails.
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Click to start or stop audio Aran: Estoy aquí porque tengo demasiado estrés.
I am here because I have too much stress. Kanya: ¿Qué tanto te ocupas durante el día?
How much are you busy during the day?
(How busy are you during the day?) Aran: Me levanto a las 9 de la mañana. I get myself up at 9 in the morning. Kanya: Me imagino que te acuestas muy tarde. I imagine that you go to bed very late. Aran: No, luego me cepillo el pelo y me lavo los dientes.
No, then I brush my hair and I brush my teeth. Kanya: ¿No te bañas antes?
Don't you bathe yourself before? Aran: Algunas veces. Primero me siento en la cama a reflexionar.
Sometimes. First I sit myself on the bed to meditate. Kanya: ¿A qué hora te vistes para ir a trabajar?
What time do you dress yourself to go to work? Aran: No trabajo. Me enfermo muy seguido.
I don't work. I get sick very often. Kanya: ¿De qué te enfermas?
From what do you get sick? Aran: ¡De estrés!
From stress!
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