Reflexive verbs imply that the subject receives the action back.
to wash oneself Nancy se lava el pelo. Nancy washes her hair. bañarse
to shower oneself Tú te bañas con agua caliente. You shower with hot water. peinarse
to comb one's hair Yo me peino bien. I comb my hair well. afeitarse
to shave oneself Juan se afeita todos los días. Juan shaves every day.
Vocabulary Flashcards
Vocabulary Quiz
Spelling Quiz
Sentence Flashcards
Image-Sentence Match
Word Order Quiz
Multiple Choice Quiz
Click to start or stop audio Ramiro: Buenos días. ¿Ya se levantó Karla?
Good morning. Did Karla already get herself up? Suegra: No, ayer se acostó a medianoche hablando por teléfono.
No, yesterday she went to bed at midnight talking on the telephone. Ramiro: Lo siento, es que hoy vamos a ir a tomarnos fotos.
I'm sorry, it's that today we are going to take photos. Suegra: Bueno, pues ella se queda en casa hoy; se enfermó.
OK, well she is staying at home today; she became sick. Ramiro: Pero oigo que se está riendo.
But I hear that she is laughing. Suegra: Sí, se pone a reír cuando se enferma.
Yes, she begins to laugh when she is sick. Ramiro: Por favor, me aburro si me voy solo.
Please, I become bored if I go alone. Suegra: Está bien. Pase adelante.
OK. Come in.
Vocabulary Flashcards Vocabulary Quiz Photo Quiz Spelling Quiz Sentence Flashcards Video Example Sentences Dialogue Image-Sentence Match Word Order Quiz Multiple Choice Quiz A or B Quiz Fill In
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