Step 1
¿Qué deseas comer?
What do you want to eat?
There are many phrases related to food. Here are few example sentences:
Yo quiero comer.
I want to eat.
Quiero un poco más.
I want a little more.
El menú, por favor.
The menu, please.
la comida rápida
fast food
Yo no quiero helado.
I don't want ice cream.
Yo no quiero ensalada.
I don't want salad.
Gracias por el vaso de agua.
Thanks for the glass of water.
The verb tener means to have. It is used to talk about hunger and thrist.
Tengo hambre
I have hunger. (I am hungry)
Tengo sed
I have thirst. (I am thirsty)
Vocabulary Flashcards

Vocabulary Quiz
Spelling Quiz

Sentence Flashcards

Image-Sentence Match

Word Order Quiz

Multiple Choice Quiz

Dialogue 1
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Carlos: ¿Qué vas a pedir? (Tú) - What are you going to order?
Guillermo: Una hamburguesa doble, unas patatas y un refresco. - A double hamburger, some French fries and a refreshment.
Guillermo: ¿y tú? - And you?
Carlos: Solo una tarta de manzana - Only an apple tart.
Carlos: ¿Puedes ir a buscarlo? (Tú) - Can you go and look for it?
Carlos: ¡Qué hambre! ¿Comemos? - I am hungry! Should we eat?
Dialogue 2
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Alberto: Disculpe Clara, ¿qué tiene de beber?
Excuse me Clara, what do you to drink?
Clara: Tengo té, café, chocolate, leche, licuados de frutas y gaseosas Don Juan.
I have coffee, chocolate, milk, fruit drinks, and Don Juan brand sodas.
Alberto: Una taza de chocolate, por favor, y ¿qué tiene de comer?
A cup of chocolate, please, and What do you have to eat?
Clara: Tengo hamburguesas, hot dogs, donas y pastel de: zanahoria, calabaza y banano.
I have hamburgers, hot dogs, donuts and cake of carrots, pumpkin and banana.
Alberto: Me da una porción de pastel de banano.
Give me a piece of banana cake.
Clara: ¿Desea alguna otra cosa?
Would you desire anything else?
Alberto: No, gracias. ¿Cuánto es en total?
No, thank you. How much is it in total?
Clara: Es $1.50. En un momento se lo llevo a la mesa.
It is $1.50. In a moment I will bring it to the table...
Alberto: Gracias, esperaré.
Thank you, I will wait.

Step 2
Vocabulary & Quizzes
Step 3
Sentences & Quizzes
Step 4
Coming up Next:
He and She