In Spanish we use personal pronouns on third person: él for he and ella for she. We often see them before the verb.
Él está enfermo.
He is ill. Ella está enamorada.
She is in love.
Just like yo and tú, these are optional with verbs because the verb ending tells us who does something.
Él quiere dormir.
He wants to sleep. Quiere dormir.
He wants to sleep.
Ella camina al puente.
She walks to the bridge. Camina al puente.
She walks to the bridge.
As with yo and tú, él and ella may be used for emphasis.
Él corre la pelota. He runs after the ball. Ella corre con el perro. She runs with the dog.
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Click to start or stop audio Amanda: Él muestra el hotel a ella.
He shows her the hotel. Milton: No, él muestra la piscina del hotel.
No, he shows the pool of the hotel. Amanda: Pero, ella ve la playa del hotel.
But, she is looking at the beach of the hotel. Milton: Entonces, él muestra el hotel completo a ella.
Then, he shows the complete hotel to her.
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