Spanish Word for opposed  

English Word: opposed

Spanish Word: opuesto, opuesta
The Spanish Word for opposed
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Translated sentences containing 'opposed'
They're not opposed to a face to face debate.
No se oponen a hacer un debate cara a cara.
I think it's been absurd that the workers opposed the raise.
Me ha parecido absurdo que los obreros se hayan opuesto al aumento de sueldo.
You were opposed to the boys having another party at your house.
Tú te opusiste a que los muchachos hicieran otra fiesta en tu casa.
He's not opposed to your ideas.
No está en contra de tus ideas.
He has opposed the invasion.
Se ha opuesto a la invasión.
I am opposed to you going forward with this.
Me opongo a que sigas adelante con ésto.

Who could be opposed to this?
¿Quién podría oponerse a ello?
Why are we opposed to this?
¿Por qué nos oponemos?
We are opposed to it.
Nos oponemos a ello.
I was opposed to it.
Yo estaba en contra.
To that we are opposed.
A eso nos oponemos.
All the same, they are not opposed.
Pero en cualquier caso no se oponen entre sí.
I am opposed to this.
Por mi parte, me opongo a ello.
I am not opposed to that.
No estoy en contra de ello.
We are opposed to this.
Nosotros nos oponemos a esto.
I am opposed to this.
Me opongo a ello.
Who could be opposed to this?
¿Quién podría oponerse a esta propuesta?
We are opposed to that.
Nosotros estamos en contra de esto.
And so we are opposed to this.
Por este motivo estamos en contra.
We are opposed to this.
Nos oponemos a ello.
Israel is opposed to this.
Israel se opone.
The rapporteur is opposed to this.
El ponente está en contra.
We are totally opposed to this.
Nos oponemos totalmente a ello.
In any event, we are opposed.
En cualquier caso estamos en contra.
It is not opposed to harmonisation.
No está orientada contra la armonización.
We opposed this, as did most of the right.
Nos oponemos a ella, como ha hecho la mayor parte de la derecha.
We are not opposed to this in principle.
No somos ideológicamente contrarios.
The Council is opposed to this.
El Consejo se opone a esto.
We are clearly opposed to it.
Nosotros, evidentemente, nos oponemos.
We are opposed to that objective.
Nosotros estamos en contra de ese objetivo.
I am opposed to renationalisation.
Me opongo a la renacionalización.
We are opposed to this development.
Nos oponemos a este desarrollo.
We are opposed to all such proposals.
Nos oponemos a todas estas propuestas.
Germany is opposed to this.
Alemania se opone a esto.
I am opposed to this approach.
Me opongo a este planteamiento.
I am fundamentally opposed to this.
Me opongo radicalmente a esta medida.
Who could possibly be opposed to it?
¿Quién puede querer oponerse a él?
We are not opposed to the strategy.
No nos oponemos a la estrategia.
We are strongly opposed to all that.
Nos oponemos firmemente a todo esto.
I am fundamentally opposed to this.
Me opongo a ello enérgicamente.
That is precisely what I am opposed to.
Eso es precisamente a lo que me opongo.
I am opposed to this intervention.
Me opongo a esta intervención.
This is something I am opposed to.
Eso es algo a lo que me opongo.
We are opposed to discrimination.
Nos oponemos a la discriminación.
Who can be opposed to this?
¿Quién puede oponerse a eso?
We have always opposed that.
Siempre nos hemos opuesto a eso.
Does that mean we are opposed to it?
¿Significa esto que nos oponemos a este instrumento?
We are completely opposed to that!
Nos oponemos totalmente a ello.
They would, of course, be opposed to it.
Por supuesto se opondrían a ello.
I personally was opposed to it.
Yo me opuse a ello personalmente.
We are most strenuously opposed to this.
Estamos totalmente en contra de tal evolución.
We are naturally opposed to that.
Obviamente, estamos en contra.
We are opposed to such a development.
Nos oponemos a esta evolución.
I am totally opposed to that.
Estoy absolutamente en contra de ello.
Our Group had opposed this.
Nuestro grupo se opuso.
I am also opposed to that.
Estoy en contra de ello.
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