English Word: cousin (f)
Spanish Word: la prima
Now you know how to say cousin in Spanish. :-)
Translated sentences containing 'cousin'
My cousin used to go to this lake to see the ducks.
Mi primo solía ir a este lago para ver a los patos.
My cousin received jeans.
Mi primo recibió pantalones. -pantalones
My cousin has asked her boyfriend to give her a date for their wedding.
Mi prima le ha pedido a su novio que le dé fecha para la boda.
My cousin still can't count to ten.
Mi primo todavía no sabe contar a diez.
No one has heard what my cousin was saying in the conference.
Nadie ha escuchado lo que decía mi prima en la conferencia.
My cousin's birthday is the 26th of February.
El cumpleaños de mi primo es el ventisies de febrero.
I am Mary's cousin.
Yo soy la prima de María.
I am speaking to my cousin.
Hablo a mi prima.
He heard his cousin's laugh.
Él oyó la risa de su primo.
My cousin is a doctor.
Mi primo es médico.
Did you meet your new cousin? (female)
¿Conociste a tu nueva prima?
My cousin played with me all afternoon.
Mi primo jugó conmigo toda la tarde.
My cousin lives in London. (masculine)
Mi primo vive en Londres.
My cousin lives in Texas. (female)
Mi prima vive en Texas.
You know (acquainted with) my cousin.
Tu conoces a mi primo.
The boy whom you saw is my cousin.
El muchacho que usted vio es mi primo.
My cousin is a swimmer.
Mi prima es nadadora.
I went to my cousin's house.
Yo fui a la casa de mi prima.
I speak to my cousin.
Hablo a mi prima.
My cousin received seven letters from José Luis last week.
Mi prima recibió siete cartas de José Luis la semana pasada.
That is not likely to prevent Central Europe from being the poor cousin of the West for a long time to come.
Eso probablemente no va a evitar que Europa Central siga siendo el pariente pobre de Occidente durante mucho tiempo.
I remember my father's face when we found out that my uncle and cousin were in a concentration camp.
Recuerdo la expresión de mi padre cuando nos enteramos de que mi tío y mi primo estaban en un campo de concentración.
These are the stars of the market, following in the footsteps of their noble cousin, French champagne.
Son las estrellas del mercado, a la zaga del champagne, el primo noble francés.
I could hardly refuse to take a question from a close cousin across the water.
Túnez es un importante socio de la Unión Europea.
T E Lawrence of Arabia – who is a distant cousin of mine – wanted that too, but he also had a different vision for the region.
T. E. Lawrence de Arabia –primo lejano mío– compartía este mismo deseo, pero tenía asimismo un planteamiento diferente para la región.
A Latin American head of state writing to Europe is not really a foreigner, it is like a cousin writing.
Un Jefe de Estado latino que escribe a Europa no es realmente un extranjero; es como si nos escribiera un primo.
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