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English Translation: future

Translated sentences containing 'futuro'
Nosotros pensemos en el futuro de nuestros hijos.
Let's think about the future of our children.
Algunos creen que el futuro puede leerse en la palma de la mano, pero yo no lo creo.
Some people believe that the future can be read in the palm of the hand, but I don't believe it.
Los estudiantes están construyendo un futuro mejor para ellos.
The students are building a better future for themselves.
Tendré hijos en un futuro lejano.
I will have children in the distant future.
Nos preocupa el futuro.
We worry about the future.
Es para el futuro.
That is for the future.
Deberíamos mirar al futuro.
We should be looking ahead.
Futuro de la Unión
Future of the European Union
Estará orientado al futuro.
That report will also look to the future.
Desean un futuro mejor.
They want a better future.
¿Qué futuro les queda?
What kind of a future do they have?
Miremos pues al futuro.
Let us look at the future, then.
Entonces tendremos futuro.
Then we will have a future.
No podemos predecir el futuro.
We cannot foresee the future.
El futuro nos preocupa.
The future scenario concerns us.
Miremos al futuro.
Let us look towards the future.
Miremos al futuro.
Let us look to the future.
Miremos hacia el futuro.
Let us look to the future.
Ése es el futuro.
That is the way forward.
Miremos al futuro.
Let us look into the future.
Miremos al futuro.
Let us look to the future.
Pero miremos al futuro.
But let us look to the future.
¿Qué futuro queremos darle?
What future do we want to give it?
Necesitan volver a un futuro.
They must have a future to go back to.
Ahora pasemos al futuro.
Now let us move on to the future.
Es nuestro futuro.
Our future depends on it.
No les hablaré del futuro.
I am not going to talk about the future.
Construyen su futuro.
They are building their future.
No tengamos miedo del futuro: el futuro está en nuestras manos.
We must not be afraid of the future: the future is in our hands.
Ahora podemos formular el futuro.
Now is the time to formulate a vision for the future.
Una pequeña ojeada al futuro.
I should like to make a brief reference to the future.
El debate sobre el futuro.
Turning now to the debate about the future.
Debemos mirar hacia el futuro.
We must look to the future.
Quisiera referirme también al futuro.
I should also like to say a few words about the future.
Debemos pensar en el futuro.
We should be thinking about the future.
Pero hablemos ahora del futuro.
Now let us talk about the future, however.
Las sugerencias para el futuro.
As regards suggestions for the future, I should first like to thank the rapporteur, Mr Graça Moura, for encouraging us to look to the future.
Moldavia necesita un nuevo futuro.
Moldova needs a new future.
¿Cómo actuaremos en el futuro?
How shall we proceed in the future?
Se trata de nuestro futuro.
We are talking about our future.
Vamos a mirar hacia el futuro.
Let us take a look into the future.
Pero ¿cómo será el futuro?
But what is the future to be?
Y el futuro no es halagüeño.
And the future does not look promising.
Nuestros jóvenes representan nuestro futuro.
Our young people represent our future.
El futuro no es necesariamente temible.
The future is not necessarily anything to fear.
Debemos aprender para el futuro.
We must learn for the future.
Buena suerte para el futuro.
Good luck for the future.
¿Cómo puede presentarse el futuro?
What could the future look like?
Futuro acuerdo sobre Kosovo (debate)
Future agreement on Kosovo (debate)
Obviamente, ahí está el futuro.
This is the future too, of course.
Europa debe mirar al futuro.
Europe must look to the future.
Sin mujeres, Europa no tiene futuro.
Without women Europe has no future.
¿Habrá un futuro para nosotros?
Can we offer ourselves some kind of perspective?
¿Que nos deparará el futuro?
What will that future bring?
¡Queremos dar forma al futuro!
We want to shape the future!
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