Preguntas sobre el audio
El mejor amigo de Roberto es de...
Bogota Lima Argelia
Fad es el mejor amigo de Roberto.
Verdadero Falso
¿Por qué lo considera su mejor amigo?
porque el es musulmán porque el es guapo porque le ayuda en el colegio
¿Qué cosas les gusta hacer juntos?
correr, fútbol, nadar comer helados caminar por la playa
¿Qué cualidad tiene Fad?
es fuerte es gentil es inteligente
¿Qué cualidades tiene tu mejor amigo(a)?
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English Translation
I have a best friend here at school. His name is Fad; he is fourteen, fourteen years old. He is from Argelia. He is my best friend because he is the one that helps me with everything at school. Everything related to school he explains tome, all the exercises that I have to do. He also likes the sports I like. He likes a sport called Capodera. He also likes what I like, to run, we both like to run. He always invites me to go to the swimming pool, which is another thing we like; we like to play soccer, things like that. Well, so the thing is that he is a good person because he is kind, not like everybody and that is why we have made a great friendship.