Preguntas sobre el audio
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¿Cuántas amigas tiene Tania?
dos tres cinco
¿Con quién se divierte más?
con Teresa con Maria con Andrea
¿Por dónde sale con sus amigas?
por el lago por el centro comercial por el pueblo
¿Quiénes son tus mejores amigos?
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Tania - English Translation
Hi, my name is Tania, in my group there are four of us; one is Andrea, another one is Lisa, then Cristina and I. We usually go out together, always. We have fun since we usually play. We go to... we go out together around town, we buy sweets and then we go to the park. The one I have the most fun with is Andrea. We get along because she is fun, kind and we usually do silly things. Sometimes we take pictures with silly faces.