
A demonstrative pronoun indicates more or less proximity to what is being talked about. As with all pronouns, it also replaces a noun.
Singular |
Plural |
éste, ésto |
éstos |
this one, these (m) |
ésta, ésto |
éstas |
this one, these (f) |
ése |
ésos |
that one, those (m) |
ésa |
ésas |
that one, those (f) |
aquél |
aquéllos |
that one over there, those over there (m) |
aquélla |
aquéllas |
that one over there, those over there (f) |
m - masculine, f - feminine
The singular neuter forms are:
esto - this one
eso - that one
aquello - that one over there
Let's see how demonstrative pronouns are used:
Mi carro es mejor que aquél.
My car is better than that one over there.
aquél = that one over there
Estos perros son mejores que aquéllos.
These dogs are better than those over there.
aquéllos = those over there
This is different than demonstrative adjectives, which modify a noun (este carro = this car) by explaining which car you are talking about.
Aquél es de seda.
That one over there is silk.
Aquéllas son demasiado anchas.
Those over there are too wide.
Aquel vendedor es más simpático que éste.
That vendor over there is nicer than this one.
Le traigo aquél.
I am bringing you that one over there.
Éste o aquél me da igual.
This one or that one over there is the same to me.
Note: It is NOT necessary to accent demonstrative pronouns unless not doing so would result in ambiguity. Demonstrative pronouns continue to be accented out of habit.
Quick Explanation
A demonstrative pronoun indicates more or less the proximity to what is being talked about.
Close to the speaker:
singular |
plural |
Masculine |
éste (this one) |
éstos (these) |
Feminine |
ésta (this one) |
éstas (these) |
Away from the speaker:
singular |
plural |
Masculine |
ése(that one) |
ésos (those) |
Feminine |
ésa (that one) |
ésas (those) |
Far from the speaker:
singular |
plural |
Masculine |
aquél (that one over there) |
aquéllos (those over there) |
Feminine |
aquélla (that one over there) |
aquéllas (those over there) |
Long Explanation
Whereas demonstrative adjectives modify a noun (e.g. este carro, this car) by explaining which car you are talking about, demonstrative pronouns replace a noun altogether (e.g. ése, that one).
Mi bicicleta es mejor que aquélla.
My bicycle is better than that one.
Estas manzanas son mejores que aquéllas.
These apples are better than those.
Demonstrative pronouns can also be used to express the former and the latter in English.
Maria e Irma son chicas bonitas; ésta de México, aquélla de Guatemala.
Mary and Irma are beautiful girls; the former from Mexico, the latter from Guatemala.
The Neuter form esto, eso, aquello [2] (this, that) have no plural in some contexts and they are used--
1. In reference to a whole sentence, as:
El mercado del algodón está muy abatido; esto me desanima
The cottonmarket is very flat; this disconcerts me.
2. In reference to something pointed at, without referring to what the
thing is, as:
¿Qué es eso?
What is that? (thing there, whatever it may be.)
Eso es ridículo.
That (what you just said) is ridiculous.
Este, ese, aquel, etc., are accented when a stress is placed on them; Éste is also used for "the latter" and Aquél for "the former." [4]
Instead of ese, etc., aquel, etc., before que and de, the
definite article is generally used, as:
El aumento de precio de hoy y el [5] que tuvimos ayer
The increase in price to-day and that we had yesterday.
La remesa anterior y la que haremos hoy
The previous shipment and that we are sending to-day.
El flete del aceite y el de los vinos
The freight on oil, and that on wine.
Mis documentos y los de mi jefe
My documents and those of my chief (employer).
Lo que (instead of "aquello que") escribo es la pura verdad
That which (what) I write is the honest truth.
Footnote 2: "Eso" and "aquello" are used practically indiscriminately.
Footnote 4: Esto es--namely, that is ...
Footnote 5: It might appear to be an abbreviation of "aquel," but it is not so.
A preposition may precede que, as:
¿Qué libro es ese? Es en el que escribimos ayer.
What book is that? It is that in which we wrote yesterday.
¿Qué carta quieres? A la que me referí ayer.
What letter do you want? That to which I referred yesterday.
¿Qué plumas son estas? Son con las que yo escribía.
What pens are these? They are those with which I wrote.