Diálogo 1
The indirect object indicates the person or thing receiving the action of the verb. They can be replaced by the indirect object pronouns below.
me |
to/for me |
te |
to/for you (familiar) |
le |
to/for you, to him, to her (formal) |
nos |
to/for us |
os |
tofor you guys |
les |
to/for you all, to them |
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Julia: ¡Qué sorpresa! ¡estoy contentísima de verte, pasa, pasa!
What a surprise! I am so happy to see you, come in, come in!
Santos: Gracias. ¡Qué guapa estás! aquí, te traigo un regalito, espero que te guste.
Thanks. How handsome you are! here, I bring you a little gift, I hope you like it.
Melissa regresa de compras y se encuentra con su esposo esperándola en casa…
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Julio: ¿Qué son todas esas bolsas?
What are all those bags?
Melissa: Les compré regalos a todos.
I bought gifts for all.
Julio: ¿Nos compraste regalos?
Did you buy gifts for us?
Melissa: Sí, le compré unos zapatos a Fernandito.
Yes, I bought some shoes for little Fernando.
Julio: ¿Qué color le compraste?
What color (shoes) did you buy for him?
Melissa: Negro. Y le compré una falda a Karlita.
Black. And I bought a skirt for little Karla.
Julio: ¿Te compraste algo para tí?
Did you buy something for yourself?
Melissa: ¡Claro! Me compré un vestido.
Certainly! I bought a dress for myself.
Julio: ¿Me compraste algo a mí?
Did you buy something for me?
Melissa: Bueno, te traje el cambio.
Well, for you I bring the change.
Basic - Use of IOPs
Intermediate - Use of IOPs

Video - Indirect Object Pronouns
Before fitting a boiler consideration should be given to its position in relation to the suitability of the surrounding building fabric as a boiler support and its fire resistance. On December 26, a day after Christmas, an undersea earthquake was recorded off the coast of Sumatra in Indonesia. Children with FASD do not respond as well as non-exposed children to stimulant medications used to treat ADHD (Oesterheld et al., 1998; Peadon & Elliott, 2010). Number of seismic zone was reduced by IS: 1893-2002 to four by merging zone I with zone II and adopted a modified CIS-64 scale for seismic zoning and dropped references to the MMI scale.
Major markets for chocolate companies have claimed that they cannot bear responsibility for the labor trafficking of cocoa because they do not own the cocoa farms. In this way children develop concentration and attention, learning how to cope with the loss, which is essential for the later experience of failure, but learning and developing the motivation to achieve success.
Other conflicts related with human being and vampires are vampire hunting or drama that can emerge from the vampire coven.
And by 1988, the NRC was declared bankruptcy, and all rail traffic stopped for a period of six months.
And the clause would include Forest Officers, Officers of the Salt, Excise or Opium departments, or indeed, of any department whose duty it is to protect the interests of their department by preventing the commission of offence against it.
Today, the place has been damaged by the war between terrorists groups in Iraq and Syria, and the ISIS, and he doesn’t know if he will ever see it stand again. Council business proposed laws that were published for the public to view a week before they were tabled in the Council. The smallest LAN may only use two computers, while larger LANs can accommodate thousands of computers. Creating and maintaining connections to others can be considered by many to be a full-time job.
Rural areas are reported with low levels of infection while the major metropolitan areas consists of a higher rate of infection.
Diálogo 2