This lesson will provide you with essential VOCABULARY and DIALOGUES to assist you in obtaining a more accurate CLINICAL INTERVIEW.
(If this is not what you're looking for, or if you want to see all of our medical-related content, click on MEDICAL SPANISH, located ABOVE the tabs to the left.)
← Click on the VOCABULARY tab to the left to access VOCABULARY FLASHCARDS and QUIZZES related to CLINICAL INTERVIEW.
← Click on the PROFESSIONAL - Q&A tab to the left to access SENTENCE FLASHCARDS and QUIZZES for the HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL. These are broken down into subcategories, including TIME AND FREQUENCY, MEDICATION AND ALLERGIES, SYMPTOMS, and PAIN.
← Click on the PATIENT - Q&A tab to the left to access SENTENCE FLASHCARDS and QUIZZES for the PATIENT. These are broken down into subcategories, including TIME AND FREQUENCY, MEDICATION AND ALLERGIES, ALCOHOL AND DRUGS, and ACTIVITY LEVEL.
Vocabulary Flashcards Vocabulary Quiz Photo Quiz Spelling Quiz Sentence Flashcards Video Example Sentences Dialogue Image-Sentence Match Word Order Quiz Multiple Choice Quiz A or B Quiz Fill In
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Icons are color coded by Spanish level:
Green = Beginner Blue = Intermediate Orange = Advanced