Lee el pasaje presentado en esta sección y revisa el vocabulario que es nuevo para tí. Después de comprender el texto, responde a cada pregunta y chequea tus respuestas.
El arco y la lira
Para Rodolfo Otto la presencia de lo Otro - y podríamos añadir, la sensación de "otredad"- se manifiesta "como un misterio tremendum, un misterio que hace temblar." Al analizar el contenido de lo tremendo, el pensador alemán encuentra tres elementos. En primer término el terror sagrado, esto es, "un terror especial," que sería vano comparar con el miedo que nos produce un peligro conocido. El terror sagrado es pavor indecible, precisamente por ser experiencia de lo indecible.
--Octavio Paz, El arco y la lira
El vocabulario
otredad - otherness
tremendum - tremendous, overwhelming
pavor - terror, dread
indecible - unutterable, beyond words
¿A qué se refiere
None of these are correct. al plagio a una falta de comunicación a algo más allá del mundo que percibimos a una disparidad entre un punto de vista alemán y otro punto de vista español
¿Qué quiere decir Paz cuando escribe
La experiencia es indecible. Es un miedo que no se puede explicar. Es un pavo que tiene miedo. El terror es algo sagrado.
Según Paz, ¿cuáles son las dos ideas que serían vanas comparar?
Rodolfo Otto y Octavio Paz el miedo y el terror el contenido y los elementos del relato la experiencia y la ira
¿Ha experimentado usted alguna vez un pavor indecible?
The city is a couple of minutes away to other high density population such as Petaling Jaya, Subang Jaya and other Damansara areas. By reducing dimensions of a metal to the same order of magnitude as the spacing between atoms in the lattice, we begin to trap the electron waves. The weak administrative structure involves poor planning, waste, mismanagement, inefficiency and the absence of work ethics. Dani Rodrick, an economist at Harvard Kennedy School, argued that we should research on the industrial policy with a view of “normalization ". There are many characteristics of ASD, and one of the most elaborated in the field of studies is restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior. The thickness of the conductive paste on cotton sample will be estimate by using 3D Alpha-Step Profilometer while chemical properties of cotton fabric will investigate by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). According to organizational culture, an organization will have a common market were it sells most of its products.
It was still remain unclear whether the most radical scavenging properties of phenolic compounds in the reaction between phenolic antioxidant and reactive radical was based on the one-step transfer of hydrogen atom or electron transfer followed by a proton transfer (Han, Zhang & Skibsted 2012). There are two levels on how the social engineering takes place: the physical and the psychological. This can lead to severe brain damage, causing cerebral palsy, autism, behavioral disorders, and can even result in fetal death. Wheatley heavily emphasizes to them that they should not get so wrapped up in their schoolwork and studies that it hinders their personal relationship with God. Today, New Zealand sea lions exist mainly on two main breeding sites: the Auckland Islands, and Campbell Island. The was so much pressure against the US military getting involved that " the administration feared that such action would trigger a mass antiwar revolt in the United States comparable to the tumultuous Vietnam era protests" (Wittner, 2014).