Lee el pasaje presentado en esta sección y revisa el vocabulario que es nuevo para tí. Después de comprender el texto, responde a cada pregunta y chequea tus respuestas.
El Amor
Habló de Yucatán, donde habían construido catedrales suntuosas para ocultar las pirámides paganas, sin darse cuenta de que los aborígenes acudían a misa porque debajo de los altares de plata seguían vivos sus santuarios. Habló del batiburrillo de sangre que habían hecho desde la conquista: sangre de español con sangre de indios, de aquéllos y éstos con negros de toda laya, hasta mandingas musulmanes, y se preguntó si semejante contubernio cabría en el reino de Dios.
-- Gabriel García Márquez, Del amor y otros demonios
El vocabulario
suntuosas - sumptuous, luxurious
batiburrillo - hotchpotch
laya - kind
mandingas - black people
contubernio - plot
¿Cuál es el tema de este fragmento?
asombro por una existencia mutua de indígenas y españoles después de la conquista la Conquista del Yucatán las catedrales del Yucatán la religión en tiempos precolombinos
¿Quién será el protagonista de este fragmento?
un dios indígena un arqueólogo un conquistador español un locutor de radio
¿Qué es una cosa de la cual el protagonista NO habla en este fragmento?
la mezcla de razas desde la Conquista las fechas de la conquista de Yucatán las pirámides de Yucatán las catedrales de Yucatán
However, she reports that a state of silence is favored by Asian scholars as it is considered to be more beneficial for higher order thinking. If, after high school, students have to go into the military for a certain amount of years, two to four, these kids that could end up just wasting all of their talents could use them and help our country in ways that we could not even fathom before them.
Publishers are now becoming wary of autobiographical manuscripts that may need to go through a fact checking process before publication. Although we have made great progress, we still have a long way to go to become an exemplary society.
He has planned to donate his major worth to charity, which accounts to 83% of share to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Thanks to Nepal's beauty, rich diversity of sight – seeing , cultural heritage and adventure opportunities available.
It has involved all its departments in the improvement process and all the workers are encouraged to understand essential security measures. Regular audit checks and controls mechanisms should be put in place to ensure that the national level objectives are met. Augustine is trying to show us as readers through giving examples of Paris’s Evil Tower for the 1889 Expo, 1988 Expo in Australia and the Expo in Montreal in 1967 which this honestly tell’s us that Dubai needs to copy and paste those three examples.
They bought land where they grew corn, peas, and squash, while raising pigs, cows, dogs, and horses.
The devil will influence us to kill and he knows that once we have killed then we shall be cursed.
He said that the people there found it hard to stop the X-rated presentation since the TV was secured in a cage and they can’t find the power cable to unplug it. In other words, every person with autism is an individual, who has a distinctive personality and combination of traits [2]. In regards to his past abuse, the counselor may also refer the family to school district-approved mental health counselors that can assist Marty in healing from his abuse.