Reading Comprehension - Beginners - Low Level  

Reading Practice - Novice - Low This Lesson Next Lesson
Quiz 1

Read the information presented with each quiz and answer each question. Verify your answer(s) by clicking on the correct response(s).

El Colegio

Mi casa está lejos del colegio. Todos los miércoles mi papá me lleva en el coche. Por el camino vemos a los compañeros que van caminando. Algunos días nos encontramos con el autobús escolar. Cuando llegamos a la puerta del colegio, mi papá abre la puerta del coche y me bajo. Para llegar a mi salon de clase tengo que subir las escaleras.

el colegio - the school (NOT college)
lejos - far
compañeros - classmates
coche - car
salon de clase - classroom
escaleras - stairs

Is the school near or far from the house?
It is near
It is far
Information not provided

Who takes the speaker to school on Wednesdays?
Information not provided
His father
His mother

Is the classroom on the first floor?
Probably not
Information not provided

Quiz 2
Quiz 3

Popular Phrase: conjugate verb ser | Spanish for Health Fields | Conjugated Verb: vedar - to prohibit, to forbid (rarely used) [ click for full conjugation ]