Reading Comprehension - Beginners - Low Level  

Reading Practice - Novice - Low This Lesson Next Lesson
Quiz 1

Read the information presented with each quiz and answer each question. Verify your answer(s) by clicking on the correct response(s).

El Pequeño Jardín

La madre de mi amiga Elena trabaja en un herbolario. Allí prepara medicinas naturales, infusiones, cremas y otros productos con hierbas. Detrás del herbolario tiene un pequeño jardín donde cultiva algunas hierbas que huelen muy bien.

herbolario - herb farm
infusiones - infusions
pequeño jardin - small garden
huelen - smell

Where does her mom work?
at an pig farm
at an herb farm
at an organic farm

What does she prepare?
products made with pig meat
products made with herbs
products made with vegetables

What does her mom plant in the small garden?

Quiz 2
Quiz 3
Quiz 4

Popular Phrase: spanish opposites | Conversational Spanish | Conjugated Verb: valorizar - to value, to fix the price [ click for full conjugation ]