Reading Comprehension - Beginners - Low Level  

Reading Practice - Novice - Low This Lesson Next Lesson
Quiz 1

First, read each text and review any vocabulary you are not familiar with. Next, read each question and select the best option(s) from those provided.

Un Partido Clave

Hoy se disputa un partido clave para nuestro equipo deportivo de baloncesto. Durante un breve instante, el equipo no se muestra muy activo, pero el grupo adversario no sabe aprovecharlo. De nuevo, nuestros chicos y chicas saben reaccionar y ganan un punto más. El público aplaude.

se disputa - is played
un partido clave - a key game
baloncesto - basketball
se muestra - is shown (to be)
el grupo adversario - the opponents
no sabe aprovecharlo - doesn't not know how to take advantage of it
aplaude - applaudes

Does his team have a perfect game?

Which team scores?
The opposing team scores.
The team of the author scores.

How does the public react?
They start a large brawl
They applaud
They riot

Quiz 2
Quiz 3
Quiz 4

Popular Phrase: online spanish classes | Conjugated Verb: pautar - to rule, to regulate [ click for full conjugation ]