Reading Comprehension - Beginners - Low Level  

Reading Practice - Novice - Low This Lesson Next Lesson
Quiz 1

First, read each text and review any vocabulary you are not familiar with. Next, read each question and select the best option(s) from those provided.

Regina works in a Mexican restaurant. Her boss sends her a text with a list of items they need.


In which section of the store or market will Regina find these items?
fruit section
meat section
vegitble section

Estrella's teacher has asked her how she saves water at home:

En mi casa, por ejemplo, cuando me lavo los dientes, cierro la llave para no desperdiciar el agua. También, cuando quiero lavar la ropa, lleno la lavadora de ropa completamente antes de usarla. Y también tengo un reloj en la ducha y así me ducho en cinco minutos. Máximo, cinco minutos.

When Estrella is brushing her teeth, she ________ to save water.
turns off the faucet
rinses with Coca-Cola
does not rinse her mouth

When washing clothes, she ________ to reduce water use.
only fills the clothes washer half full of water
waits until she has a full load
fills with cold water

To save more water, she limits herself to...
one shower per week
five minutes in the shower.
thirty minutes in the shower.

Quiz 2
Quiz 3
Quiz 4

Popular Phrase: empezar command | Conjugated Verb: patrocinar - to sponsor [ click for full conjugation ]