Lee el pasaje presentado en esta sección y revisa el vocabulario que es nuevo para tí. Después de comprender el texto, responde a cada pregunta y chequea tus respuestas.
El Museo Metropolitano de Nueva York presentará, a partir del 23 de julio hasta el 25 de septiembre, una selección de 45 pinturas y 31 dibujos que reflejan la profunda fascinación de Matisse (1869-1954) por las telas con estampados de flores, rayas y arabescos. Las telas profusamente ornamentadas y los trajes típicos de países como Marruecos y Rumanía fueron fuente de inspiración para el pintor Henri Matisse, según revela la primera muestra que explora la influencia de los textiles en su obra.
El vocabulario
a partir - as of
estampados - patterned
profusamente - profusely, extravagantly
ornamentadas - adorned with
fuente de inspiración - source of inspiration
¿Cuánto tiempo durará la presentación?
dos meses sesenta días nueve semanas dos meses, dos días
¿Qué reflejan mayormente los dibujos y pinturas que presentará Matisse?
trajes típicos de Marruecos y Rumania su fascinación por las telas con estampados de flores, rayas y arabescos vestidos estampados y floreados telas profusamente ornamentadas
La presentación de las pinturas y dibujos será en ________
Arabia Museo Metropolitano de Nueva York Matisse Marruecos y Rumania
It is a lesson that should be used by other emergency services departments when looking to create a social media policy.
There is a ton of information that promotes the use of it as well as the condemnation of it. In the following section we will determine some of leadership style with focusing on transformational and transactional leadership style as represent respectively, of people-oriented behavior and task-oriented behavior. With regards to the cause of the capital punishment in the United States, it started when the United States drafted its Eight Amendment. We post any corrections needed to the affected accounts once your trial balance shows the accounts will be balanced once the adjustments needed are made to the accounts. For example where is possible and not dependent on microbiological processes – shortening the time of processing. However, the organization is not obligated to follow any specified procedure and may terminate employment immediately with cause. To understand it, is vital in order to function and operate in any part of organisation because it covers everything that is base to any organisation.
Furthermore, Chemers (2007) asserted that leadership is the executive of organizational intelligence in which leadership effectiveness is linked to organizational performance. Three constructs that capture the concepts of social influence are subjective norm (TRA, TAM2, TPB/DTPB, and C-TAM-TPB), social factors (MPCU) and image (IDT).
This is because evaporation unit only reduce the initial microbial growth, but chilling process is to maintain the low microbial activity condition and prevent further growth of yeast or mold. Just like the child welfare system there are not enough court appointed special advocates to represent each and every child involved in the foster care system, leaving only the most severe cases assigned a CASA advocate. To discuss the impact of English language in the Madrassa education we need to look into both the contributions and the challenges that the English language created towards the traditional system.