Exercise 1
Listen to the audio file and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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What is the teacher discussing?
the grades of a boy the behavior of a boy a special-need student
The father says that he will speak to his son about ...
bullying his behavior girls
Audio 2
A reporter interviews the winner of a foot-race in Kenia…
Click to start or stop audio
Who won the race?
the guy being interviewed the Mexican the young girl
Where is the winner from?
Nairobi Ohio Mexico
Who came in second place?
his brother his friend his cousin
Audio 3
Click to start or stop audio
Where is the girl from?
Mexico Peru Colombia
What is the girl discussing?
grocery shopping breakfast lunch
Audio 4
Click to start or stop audio
How many people are in her family?
four seven five
What is the age of the oldest child?
21 23 18
What is the age of her sister Estrella?
18 23 21
Audio 5
Click to start or stop audio
Andie Manuel was born in...
Tegucigalpa, Honduras Guatemala City, Guatemala Mexico City, Mexico
There are a total of ____ people in his family.
six five four
How many childen does his sister have?
two one none
Audio 1
Salma: Sr. Said, usted es el padre de Abbas (Assad), ¿no es así?
Mr. Said, you are the father of Abbas Assad, correct?
Sr. Said: Sí, claro. Yo soy el papá de Assad.
Yes, certainly. I am the father of Assad.
Salma: Assad es inteligente y es muy servicial.
Assad is intelligent and very helpful.
Sr. Said: Sí, pero es travieso y revoltoso también.
Yes, but he is mischievous and unruly also.
Salma: Creo que es demasiado revoltoso.
I think that he is excessively unruly.
Sr. Said: Sus hermanos son muy activos también.
His brothers are very active also.
Salma: Me imagino, pero él es demasiado activo. ¿Puede hablar con él?
I imagine, but he is excessively unruly. Can you speak with him?
Sr. Said: Por supuesto, Assad y yo somos muy unidos.
Of course, Assad and I are very close.
Salma: ¡Gracias! Lo veo el próximo mes.
Thank you! I will see you next month.
Audio 2
Reportera: ¡Felicitaciones! ¿Cuál es tu nombre?
Congratulations! What is your name?
Ganador: Mi nombre es Morani.
My name is Morani.
Reportera: ¿Y cuál es tu apodo?
And what is your nickname.
Ganador: Mi apodo es “tenis de fuego”.
My nickname is "tennis of fire".
Reportera: ¡Es divertido! Dime ¿de qué ciudad eres?
That's funny! Tell me, what city are you from?
Ganador: Soy de Nairobi.
I am from Nairobi.
Reportera: ¿Tu primo es quien ganó el segundo lugar?
Did your cousin win second place?
Ganador: Sí, él es “tenis en llamas”.
Yes, he is "flaming tennis".
Reportera: Ustedes son muy creativos.
You all are very creative.
Audio 3
En la mañana solo desayunar cereal con yogur o cereal con leche - y fruta. Si no como cereales, entonces preparé chocolate, eso también necesita leche, con pan con verdú.., con frutas, perdón. Huevo también comemos en Colombia, huevo al desayuno. Y esto.
In the morning only breakfast cereal with yogurt or cereal with milk - and fruit. If I don't eat cereal, then I will prepare chocolate, that also needs milk, with bread with verdú..., with fruit, sorry. We also eat eggs in Colombia, eggs for breakfast. And that.
Audio 4
Me llamo María, soy de Madrid y tengo veintitrés años. Soy la mayor de una familia numerosa. Somos en total siete personas. Mi padre y mi madre, que no sé cuántos años tienen. Yo soy la mayor que tengo veintitrés detrás esta mi hermano Jesús, tiene veinte y un años y estudia matemáticas en la Universidad. Luego está hermana Estrella, que la quiero un monton! Tiene dieciocho comple diecinueve en enero, este mes. Luego está Pedro Pablo, que acaba de cumplir diecisiete, qué es un genio también de las matemáticas como Jesús. Y el pequeño se llama Ignacio y tiene once, qué es la joyita la casa.
My name is María, I am from Madrid and I am twenty-three years old. I am the eldest of a large family. We are a total of seven people. My father and my mother, I don't know how old they are. I am the oldest, I am twenty-three, behind me is my brother Jesús, he is twenty-one years old and studies mathematics at the University. Then there is sister Estrella, I love her a lot! She's eighteen to nineteen in January, this month. Then there is Pedro Pablo, who has just turned seventeen, who is also a genius in mathematics like Jesus. And the little one is called Ignacio and he is eleven, he is the jewel of the house.
Audio 5
Bueno, me llamo Andie Manuel, soy mexicano, nací en la Ciudad de México, tengo 29 años. Bueno, somos una familia pequeña. Somos cuatro integrantes. Papá, mamá y tengo una hermana que es mayor que yo, y ya es madre de familia ya. Tiene dos hijos, son mis sobrinos, pero ya es otra familia.
Well, my name is Andie Manuel, I'm Mexican, I was born in Mexico City, I'm 29 years old. Well, we are a small family. We are four members. Dad, mom and I have a sister who is older than me, and she is already the mother of a family. He has two children, they are my nephews, but it is already another family.
Exercise 2
Exercise 3