Exercise 1
Listen to the audio file and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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Irene begins to work at 7:00 each morning.
Falso Verdadero
What time does Irene start to work?
8:00 9:00 8:30
What does Irene do after lunch?
goes for a walk in the park sleeps for 30 minutes and then goes to the gym sleeps for 60 minutes
What time does Irene have dinner?
7:00 6:30 9:30
Audio 2
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The woman has had a very unusual life.
false unknown true
She has five children....
three girls and two boys unknown three boys and two girls
Audio 3
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What does the woman mean when she says -- honradez --?
ornery or disagreeable honesty or integrity contrary in disposition
The woman thinks that her children should be concerned about the success of their employers.
unknown false true
Audio 4
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The woman seems to be somewhat selfish.
unknown true false
If she had more money than she could imagine, she would...
build her dream home travel around the world take care of orphaned children
Exercise 2
Exercise 3