Audio 1
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What work did the woman do previously?
she was an English teacher she was an engineer she was a Spanish teacher
She worked at her first career for how many years?
ten years five years eleven years
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Manuel is buying chicken.
Falso Verdadero
What is in the shopping cart of Manuel?
peaches and cream cantaloupe and chocolate apples and strawberries pasta and celery
Listen to each audio file and select the most appropriate answer(s) for each of the questions.
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María está llamando. María está haciendo compras.
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La humildad es la ausencia del ego. El no tiene pisto. El no tiene la humildad.
Listen to each audio file and select the most appropriate answer(s) for each of the questions.
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Yo puedo caminar y hablar por telefono al mismo tiempo. Bueno, no puede ser tan difícil.
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Están caminando por las nubes. Los dos están de vacaciones.
Audio 2
Audio 3
Audio 4