Audio 1
Listen to the audio files and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
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This woman works at home and runs a business.
Unknown True False
She sells home appliances.
Unknown True False
In the audio below, the woman is asked her feelings about her future..
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This woman is very optimistic concerning her future.
True Information not provided False
Listen to each audio file and select the most appropriate answer for each of the questions.
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La carretera te lleva a la montaña. La carretera te lleva hasta la luna.
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Sí, si puedes esperar un poquito. Quiero salir corriendo.
Listen to each audio file and select the most appropriate answer for each of the questions.
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Sí, un acuerdo para limitar las armas nucleares. Sí, pan con mermelada.
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Sí, me duele mucho la garganta. Sí,tengo virus del estómago y los intestinos.
Audio 2
Audio 3
Audio 4