Ejercicio 1
Listen to the audio file and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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Teresa has _____ hair and ____ eyes.
blonde, hazel blonde, blue brown, brown
Audio 3
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She is talking about _________ in Colombia.
Christmas independence day summer break
__________ brings gifts to small children.
The baby Jesus Kris Kringle Santa Claus
The children receive the gifts on __________.
December 25 December 24 January 5
This man discusses the children of Lima, Peru.
Audio 4
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Every day, children can be seen _________ in the streets of Lima.
working eating playing
The kids __________ and __________.
eat chicken fingers, drink milkshakes shine shoes, clean windshields eat cake, ice cream
Children with musical talent, sing _________.
in the local school talent show on buses for tips in the church choir
Ejercicio 2
Ejercicio 3
Ejercicio 4