Ejercicio 1
Listen to the audio file and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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The guy says that Mexico is a failed state ruled by drug-dealers.
false unknown true
He hopes that Mexico will be safer in the future.
true false unknown
The woman believes that Americans are too materialistic.
unknown true false
She hopes that Americans will begin to value family more.
false true unknown
Audio 2
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In Latin America, Valentines day is celebrated with friends.
true unknown false
In the USA, Valentines day is celebrated by couples.
true unknown false
Audio 3
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This woman believes that all Guatemalan women should work outside the home.
true unknown false
She believes that Guatemalan women who do not work...
are much happier to stay home do not keep up with technology are lazy and stupid
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Diego González: ¡Hola! Me llamo Diego González. Soy estudiante de UCLA, pero este año asisto a la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Vivo con mi tía Matilde en la ciudad de México. Como pizza con frecuencia, me gusta la ropa de moda por eso recibo varios catalogos. Leo muchos libros de antropología para mi especialización, tambien escribo muchas cartas a mi familia. Creo que una educación universitaria es muy importante por eso estudio y aprendo mucho, pero comprendo también que es muy importante estar con los amigos y con la familia.
Hello! My name is Diego González. I am a student at UCLA, but this year I'm attending the Autonomous National University of Mexico. I live with my aunt Matilde in Mexico city. I eat pizza frequently, I like fashionable clothes for that reason I receive various catalogs. I read a lot of books on anthropology for my specialization, also I write many letters to my family. I believe a university education is very important for that reason I study and learn a lot, but I also understand that is important to be with friends and family.
Ejercicio 2
Ejercicio 3