Dialogue 1

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Señora Ibañez: He hablado con varios aspirantes para el puesto de recepcionista, pero usted tiene el currículum más interesante. Veo que ha trabajado como recepcionista en la oficina de un abogado, ¿por qué renunció a ese trabajo?
I have spoken with several candidates for the receptionist job, but you seem to have the most interesting curriculum. I see that you have worked for a lawyer's office, why did you resign from that job?
Señorita Carrasco: Bueno, soy estudiante en la universidad, me gustaba mucho el trabajo en la oficina del abogado, pero quería que trabajara la jornada completa. Desafortunadamente, no me era posible.
Well, I am a student at the university, I liked my job very much in the lawyer's office, but he wanted for me to work full time. Unfortunately, that was not possible for me.
Señora Ibañez: Y cuando trabajaba para el abogado, ¿cuáles eran sus responsabilidades?
And when you work for the lawyer, what were your responsibilities?
Señorita Carrasco: Contestaba el teléfono, hacía las citas con los clientes, organizaba el archivo, también le llevaba sus cuentas y pagaba los gastos básicos de la oficina. Eran las típicas responsabilidades de una recepcionista.
I answered the phone, I made appointments for the clients, I organized the files, also, I did the accounting and I paid the basic office expenses. The usual responsibilities of a receptionist.
Señora Ibañez: ¡Ajá! entiendo. Señorita Carrasco, buscamos una persona que sea amable, que aprenda rápidamente, que sepa escribir a máquina y utilizar una computadora, y que tenga paciencia con los clientes. Parece que usted cumple con estos requisitos, ¿podrá asistir a un entrenamiento de seis horas la semana que viene?
Aha! I understand. Mrs. Carrasco, we are looking for a person that is friendly, that learns quickly, that can type and use a computer, and that this person has patience with the clients. It seems like you have all the requirements, could you attend a six hour training session next week?
Señorita Carrasco: ¡Sí, Señora Ibañez!
Of course, Mrs. Ibañez.
Señora Ibañez: ¿y, podrá trabajar de vez en cuando en otras sucursales del banco?
and, could you work on other branches of the bank every now and then?
Señorita Carrasco: Claro que sí, no hay problema.
Of course, no problem.
Señora Ibañez: ¡Muy bien!
Very good!
As a result of their high fat-solubility these types of drugs cross the blood brain barrier quite easily. It maintains an opened door for feedback from employees and let them feel the equity, and then they are more likely to be more productive and work harder. If looked at systemically, Silicon Valley is the result of the alignment of incentives and institutions on a variety of dimensions, including the political, social and economic levels. In the case of termination with cause relating to job performance, it will relate to the person(s) having failed to bring about any improvement in performance. Seen individual as a social value, themes were based on the principle of equality between individuals, improving standards and conditions of living, elimination of differences and diversity among individuals. Importance of landfill affected by increasing urbanization process which forcing people to live in the quantity of solid waste is increasing. With Godolphin also featuring on his sire side and Byerley Turk featuring prominently on his mare (mother's) side. Besides RS-2, this study has been able to evaluate ME-3 (used as a positive control) for its scarcely studied attribute of antioxidative and antimicrobial effect. Salmonella is transmitted to people when they eat foods contaminated with animal and bird feces (stool), usually eggs, milk, raw poultry and beef, and as a result people can become ill with the disease salmonellosis. If down time occurs during the time a flap is considered to be compromised, the nurse will use traditional methods of communicating flap concerns to the physician. They pay attention to every single detail and use a dull colors to show the importance of the story behind the painting. The reason so many people are caught up in appearing green is it will make them look favorable. In the line of these events the Indian diplomat and statesman remarked, “ On the question of Jewish State in Palestine, however, my sympathies were not at all with the Zionists. Conversely, we can imagine a primordial cosmological model, which despite a different physical condition at initial and uneven, but it has turned to a uniform state that was observed today.