¿Qué haces?
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Maestra: Hola ¿qué haces?
Hello. What do you do?
Omar: Soy estudiante de ESO (enseñanza secundaria obligatoria) ¿y ustedes?
I am a student of high school. And you all?
Maestra: Pues yo soy maestra, trabajo en una escuela.
Well, I am a teacher, I work in a school.
Adan: Yo soy estudiante de abogacía.
I am a student of law.
Adan: Cuando sea grande quiero ser abogado y después juez.
When I grow up, I want to be (a) lawyer and after (a) judge.
Omar: Y yo cuando sea grande quiero ser un periodista famoso.
And I, when I grow up, I want to be a famous reporter.
Omar: ¿Cuántos años tenéis vosotros?
How old are you all?
Adan: Yo tengo veintiún años.
I am twenty-one years old.
Maestra: Y tú, ¿Cuántos años tienes?
And you, how old are you?
Omar: Tengo dieciocho años.
I am eighteen.
Maestra: Yo tengo veinticinco y un gran amor, lo tengo todo.
I am twenty-five and I have a great husband, I have everything.
Omar: Como la canción de Juanes...
(It is) like the song of Juanes...
Omar: "Para tu amor lo tengo todo..."
"Because of your love I have everything..."
Adan: ¿Qué tal si practicamos el verbo Tener con la canción de Juanes?
How would it be if we practiced the verb "tener" with the song of Juanes?
Maestra: ¡Estupendo!
Omar: ¡Bárbaro!
La Fiesta
The following is a dialogue between two young women, Andrea and Iliana, who are cleaning up after a party that has left their house a mess.
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Andrea: ¡Mira cómo quedó la casa! Ya no voy a hacer fiestas.
Look how the house was left! I'm not going to have parties.
Iliana: Yo te ayudo a limpiar. A ver, dame la escoba para barrer y el recogedor. ¿Y en dónde tiro tantos vasos y platos desechables?
I'll help you clean up. Let's see, give me a broom to sweep the floor and a dustpan. Where am I going to discard so many paper plates and cups?
Andrea: En el bote de basura que está en el patio. Ahorita te lo traigo.
In the wastebasket that's on the patio. Right now I will bring it to you.
Iliana: Cuando termine te aviso para que tú trapees.
When I finish, I will advise you so you can mop the floor.
Andrea: De acuerdo. Aquí voy a dejar el trapeador y la cubeta con agua.
OK. I'm going to leave the mop and a pail of water here.
Quick Quiz

Test for certain types of bacteria for example fecal coliforms although this is a bad bacteria it hangs with viruses and pathogens which affect organisms and humans and mammals. Other decades also show the overestimated errors (3.8, 1.8, 4.2, and 9.1%) by the model (Table 1). The survey results indicated that parents adhered below the observed mastery level in five out of the six skill areas, which means that adequate parental involvement was not achieved. The system’s report card demonstrates an optimum utilization of land, diverse and multi – cropping to achieve optimum agricultural productivity, generating employment in allied sectors too, maintains a balanced ecology and thus sustainable development in securing the people’s right to self – determination and life.
Then, in 1906 Muslim League was formed represent and protects the position of the Muslim minority. This gospel contains a significant amount of references to important figures and symbols of the Jewish faith – for the most part, the community for which Matthew was writing appears to have consisted of Jewish Christians. As we approach the mid-point of the Decade of Vaccines (2011-2020), WHO notes that worldwide approximately 21.8 million children go unprotected each year from vaccine-preventable diseases, and of these, 1.5 million die every year (Figure 2). Executions were usually applied through hanging as it is the most classical way of allowing offenders to feel the offense being applied against their countrymen. If a participant in the experiment weighs more, it is likely that they will not be able to jump as high as a student who weighs less than them. The organ systems work together to make sure that the body is working properly known as Homeostasis. Egwunyenga (2009); Iwhiwhu(2005) and Daya (1996) pointed at at different times that , record kept by Nigerian Universities, Tertiary Institutions acquisition policy, methods of preserving and disseminating them are faulty. The study shows it is harder to recall information while chatting online and trying to take notes on a laptop or by hand.