Diálogo 1

The verb expression hay que can be used to indicate obligation. When talking about the present we use the formula hay + que + infinitive
El Formulario
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Randolfo: Señora, ¿cómo hay que rellenar este formulario?
Ma'am, how must this form be completed?
Ana: A ver. Es muy fácil. Primero aquí hay que poner su nombre y su apellido.
Let's see. It's really easy. First, here you must put your first name and your last name.
Randolfo: Eso sí, no es difícil, pero ¿dónde pongo mis iniciales?
That yeah, is not difficult, but where do I put my initials?
Ana: ¿Sus iniciales? Creo que no hay que ponerlas.
Your initials? I think that you do not have to put them.
Randolfo: Ah ¿sí?
Ah yes? (really?)
Ana: Después ha que indicar dónde usted nació y dónde vive ahora.
Next you have to indicate where you were born and where you live now.
Randolfo: ¿Tanta información?
So much information?
Ana: Sí, señor, hay que rellenar todo.
Yes, sir, you have to fill it all.
Randolfo: Entonces hay que poner cómo me llamo, dónde nací, dónde vivo y ¿dónde voy a morir?
So I have to put my name, where I was born, where I live, and where I'm going to die?
Ana: No, la última información no. Usted es bastante joven para indicar eso.
The last one, no. You are too young to indicate that.
Randolfo: Muchas gracias. ¿y cómo se llama usted? quisiera invitarla a tomar café conmigo.
Thank you. And what is your name? Maybe you can drink some coffee with me some time.
In Squid Fishery Management Company Limited v Minister of Fisheries, the Minister of Fisheries adopted a precautious MALFiRM based on a certain rate applied to observed sea lion mortalities; the Minister ordered closure of the squid fishery as this MALFiRM (70 sea lion deaths) had been met. Chernow bolstered Washington’s standing (if that is possible) by emphasizing how complex and steely Washington was. You’ll explore the ornate decor and furnishings of the rooms and learn more about this important cultural attraction. If decision process is influenced by new developments, or involve area with less experience, uncertainty rises and gathering of additional information, pertinent to the problem, become necessity. Amatil distributes and merchandise coca cola in cans and bottles to different supermarkets and vending machines. He complimented them on the way they lived their lives and told them that the members of the other churches in Greece had modeled their lives after them (2 Thessalonians 1:4). Concerning informants, the testimony of these should never be the only basis for the enforcement of the death penalty. This brand is popular to retailers that sell skin and body care products as well as those who sell small cosmetics such as lip balms. By the 16th Century, the Spanish had extensively expanded their empire which comprised of most of Europe, most of the America’s, parts of Africa and some trading bases in Asia.
But outdoor type of work, such as construction, labor and even council work (especially road works) has not banned smoking yet.
Through the analysis of customer demand, and puts forward solutions, guided with these solutions to develop a low cost and high value-added products. Most newly built homes are generally regarded negatively and are associated with the bottom end of the market (Popular Housing Forum, 1998). For the record, on average, a child takes a first drink at age 12, and most alcohol consumed by teens occurs while binge drinking.”(5) For instance, there was an interview of a man who got liver cancer. Other legislation has also been proposed that would require patent owners to update information on their patents. Curious to unravel the mystery of her husband’s absence, she followed him one night into the forest and saw him “behaving like a hijra” (Pattanaik 106). In other words, school districts set goals for the knowledge, skills, and understanding that students should gain each year of their schooling. Another fact about Venus is that it was named after the Roman Goddess of beauty and love! The proportion of energy from legumes was determined by dividing the daily intake of legumes (grams) by the total caloric intake (kcal). Being a business magnate does not mean just to have large money holding but it is to have that exceptional leadership skills that drive you through and excel time and again. So what does all this have to do with Purchasing Power Parity and the Law of One Price? Thus, the distribution of industrial production by regions is not only based on the condition of the areas but also on the different objectives of government. Us, being afraid of the damage that can be caused by an enemy, are willing to give up our rights, money, and loyalty when need be to the government which promises our safety, even if there is no real danger. In 1987 the National Marrow Donor Program was established to aid in patients who were not able to receive a transplant from a family member. On the other hand, the conflict of interest involves different methods of conflict resolution including industrial action.