The past participle is formed by adding the suffix ado to (ar) verbs and ido to (er) and (ir) verbs. Here are some examples:
ar verbs
hablar -->
hablado (spoken)
gustar -->
gustado (enjoyed)
er and ir verbs
comer -->
comido (eaten)
tener -->
tenido (had)
salir -->
salido (departed)
Los Meses del Año
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Rubén: ¿Cuáles son los meses del año?
What are the months of the year?
Milton: Los meses del año pertenecen al calendario gregoriano y está compuesto por 365 días dividido entre doce meses.
The months of the year belong to the Gregorian calendar consists of 365 days divided into twelve months.
Milton: Los nombres son de origen latín:
The names are of Latin origin.
Rubén: Enero, mes dedicado al viejo dios Jano, símbolo del sol y de la luna
January, the month dedicated the old god Janus, symbol of the sun and moon
Rubén: Febrero, mes de la purificación.
February, the month of purification.
Milton: Marzo, mes dedicado a marte, el dios de la guerra.
March, the month dedicated to Mars, the god of war.
Rubén: Abril, mes en que se abre Aprillis, las fuerzas de la naturaleza.
April is month in the opening Aprilis, the forces of nature.
Milton: Mayo, mes que conmemora a Maya, divinidad relacionada con la fertilidad.
May is a month commemorating Mayan god associated with fertility.
Rubén: Junio, mes de Juno, esposa de Júpiter.
June, the month of Juno, wife of Jupiter.
Milton: Julio, mes dedicado a Julio César
July is the month dedicated to Julius Caesar.
Juan: Agosto, mes dedicado a César Octavio Augusto, primer emperador de Roma.
August is the month dedicated to Octavius Caesar Augustus the first emperor of Rome.
Rubén: Septiembre, de septem el séptimo mes del calendario romano
September, from septem is the seventh month of the Roman calendar.
Milton: Octubre, octavo mes del calendario romano.
October, eighth month of the Roman calendar.
Rubén: Noviembre, de novem noveno mes del calendario romano.
November from Novem is the ninth month of the Roman calendar.
Milton: Diciembre, de december, décimo mes del calendario romano.
December of december, tenth month of the Roman calendar.
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Marcia: ¡Hola! ¿qué tal?
Hello, how are you?
Angel: Muy bien, gracias.
Very good, thank you.
Marcia: ¿Ya has escuchado "Guantanamera"?
Have you heard "Guantanamera"?
Angel: No, ¿qué es?
No, what is that?
Marcia: Es una conocida canción popular cubana.
It is a popular known song in Cuba.
Marcia: La letra más conocida está basada en las primeras estrofas de los "Versos sencillos", del poeta cubano José Martí.
The most famous lyrics are based on the first verses of "Simple Verses", by the Cuban poet José Martí.
Angel: ¿Y la música?
And the music?
Marcia: La composición musical se atribuye oficialmente a José Fernández Díaz, más conocido como Joseíto.
The musical composition is attributed to José Fernández Diaz officially known as Joseíto.
Angel: ¿Y qué significa Guantanamera?
And what does Guantanamera signify?
Marcia: Guantanamera es el gentilicio (femenino) para la mujer nacida en Guantánamo.
Guantanamera is the adjective (female) for women born in Guantanamo.
Marcia: Ciudad que se encuentra al sudeste de Cuba.
The city is located in southeastern Cuba.
Marcia: La canción ha sido adaptada y grabada en muchas versiones.
The song has been adapted and recorded in many versions.
Angel: ¡Qué chévere!
Marcia: ¿Qué tal si la escuchamos?
Can we listen to it?
Angel: ¡Por supuesto!
Of course!
guajira Guantanamera,
guajira Guantanamera
Yo soy un hombre sincero
De donde crecen las palmas
Yo soy un hombre sincero
De donde crecen las palmas
Y antes de morir yo quiero
Cantar mis versos del alma.
Guantanamera, guajira Guantanamera...
The number and length of sessions, as well as the types of activities are tailored to the individual based on culture, current level of functioning, and environment (Haluzan, 2012). Factors related to the generation, use and development of its resources, as well as, leaders’ morale and competence level. Toyota believes that it is their responsibility as a company, and its reason for existence lies in bringing great customer service to their consumer that is carried out by various departments are unified to establish the Customer Relations Division. For example flying could be a spreading agent for the virus because others can be exposed on the flight and then expose others. These include The Faith Based Initiative of 2001, The Prisoner Re-entry Initiative of 2004, The Second Chance Act of 2008, along with other grants for college and starting a small business (Information 4 Felons, n.d.).
The jury deliberated for three days over the decision, most likely because not all of the evidence was consistent.
The results we are collected is indicate that the proposed algorithm effortlessly overcome the Gaussian White Noise with the densities of low, medium and high. The prophet Elisha faced a similar necessity to provide food for many at Gilgal (2 Kings 4:38-44). First, strategically placing his family in the drug business distribution chain he obtained the ability and power to control the drug dealers and the industry. Due to the power outages occur during hurricane , the people use the alternative sources of fuel.
They would then analyze the behavior of the actors happening on the stage rather then discussing it around a table.
Thus when congruency exists between one’s preference and the KSAOs, it will lead to motivational outcome (Edwards, 19991; Barret, 978 and this is well-known in order to have greater job performance. If a company sets a long-term budget with duration of 2 years, and follows this goal without making adaptions to the budget, one year later it will become a short-term budget as it only covers one more year. The effect of to PVP K-30 on release profile indicated that incorporation of PVP k30 increased the release rate.