Por and para both mean for. However, they are not interchangeable.
Use por to indicate reason or motive:
Estoy aquí por asuntos de negocios.
I am here because of (for) business reasons.
Use por when discussing time or day:
Hago la tarea por las noches.
I do homework at night (for nights).
Use por when expressing exchange:
Te doy mis palabras por tu dinero.
I give you my words for your money.
Use para to indicate purpose or use :
Sonia va al supermercado para comprar el pan.
Sonia goes to the grocery store in order (for)
to buy the bread.
Use para to express destination: recipient (a person):
María va a comprar un regalo para él.
Mary is going to buy a gift for him.
Use para to express destination: location (a place):
¿A qué hora parte un tren para Berlín?
What time does a train leave for Berlin?
Vocabulary Flashcards
Vocabulary Quiz
Spelling Quiz
Sentence Flashcards
Image-Sentence Match
Word Order Quiz
Multiple Choice Quiz
Dialogue 1 Click to start or stop audio Receptionist: Buenas tardes. - Good afternoon. Julia: Sí, buenas tardes señorita. Quisiera hacer una cita con la doctora María Torres.
Yes, good afternoon Miss. I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Maria Torres. Receptionist: Eh ¿Para qué dia quiere su cita? - Uhm, what day do you want your appointment? Julia: ¿Tendrá espacio para hoy? - Will you have a time slot today?
Dialogue 2 Click to start or stop audio Alejandro: Yo hablo con mi familia con frecuencia, por eso pago mucho en cuentas de teléfono. ¿y tú? - I speak with my family frequently, therefore I pay a lot in telephone bills. And you? Catalina: Pues, yo no hablo con mi familia por teléfono porque vivo en casa con ellos. - Well, I don't speak with my family via telephone because I live at home with them.
Vocabulary Flashcards Vocabulary Quiz Photo Quiz Spelling Quiz Sentence Flashcards Video Example Sentences Dialogue Image-Sentence Match Word Order Quiz Multiple Choice Quiz A or B Quiz Fill In
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