Pensar means to think. Pensar is an irregular verb. e changes to ie in all forms except nostoros and vosotros
I think
you think
you/he/she thinks
we think
you all think
you all/they think
Yo pienso que es muy interesante. I think it's very interesting. ¿Por qué piensas eso?
Why do you think that? Él piensa visitar los templos.
He thinks (is planning) to visit the temples. Ud. piensa. You think. (formal) Nosotros pensamos que es mejor este
medicamento. We think that this medicine is better. Ellos piensan en viajar. They think about traveling. Uds. piensan. You all think.
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Click to start or stop audio Pamela: Nosotros pensamos viajar a Italia.
We are thinking (planning) to travel to Italy. Hector: ¿Cuándo piensan salir?
When are you all thinking (planning) to leave? Pamela: Pensamos salir dentro de 15 días.
We are thinking (planning) to leave within 15 days. Hector: Yo pienso que es mejor viajar a Brasil.
I think it is better to travel to Brazil. Pamela: ¿Por qué piensas eso?
Why do you think that? Hector: Porque el clima es mejor allá.
Because the weather is better there. Pamela: Juan piensa también viajar.
Juan thinks (plans) also to travel. Hector: ¿A dónde?
To where? Pamela: A la India
To India Hector: ¿Qué lugares piensa visitar?
What places is he thinking (planning) to visit? Pamela: Él piensa visitar los templos.
He thinks (plans) to visit the temples. Hector: Yo pienso que es muy interesante.
I think that is very interesting.
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