There are opposites that are NOT adjectives. The opposites below are adverbs of manner, adverbs of time, and adverbs of place.
Es temprano.
It is early. Es tarde.
It is late.
La tienda está cerca.
The store is close. La escuela está lejos.
The school is far.
Ramón se pierde rápidamente.
Ramon gets lost quickly. Las tortugas se mueven lentamente.
The turtles move slowly.
La casa está a la izquierda.
The house is on the left. El carro está a la derecha.
The car is on the right.
Vocabulary Flashcards
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Multiple Choice Quiz
Dialogue 1 Click to start or stop audio Mario: Tenemos que irnos ahora.
We need to leave now. Ruth: Es temprano.
It's early. Mario: No, es tarde.
No, it's late. Ruth: El cine está cerca.
The cinema is close. Mario: No, el cine está lejos.
No, the cinema is far. Ruth: El tráfico se mueve rápidamente.
The traffic moves rapidly. Mario: El tráfico se mueve lentamente.
The traffic moves slowly. Ruth: El estacionamiento está a la izquierda.
The parking is on the left. Mario: El estacionamiento está a la derecha.
The parking is on the right.
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