Indirect object pronouns receive the action of the verb.
They answer to whom / for whom.
Indirect Object
to/for me
to/for you (familiar)
to him, to her, to/for you (formal)
to/for us
to/for you all used in Spain
to them, to/for you all (formal)
Yo quiero que Juan me ayude.
I want Juan to help me. Yo te lo puedo prestar.
I can lend it to you. Yo le invito a la cena.
I invite you to have dinner. Nos visita cada invierno.
He visits us every winter. Yo os recomiendo un hostal.
I suggest a guesthouse to you all. El gordo les quita su refacción.
The fat one takes away the snack from them.
Indirect object pronouns can be after the verb
¿Puede darme una bolsa?
Can you give me a bag? ¿Puede darnos una mesa fuera?
Can you give us a table outside? Quiero comprarles una refrigeradora.
I want to buy them a refrigerator.
Vocabulary Flashcards
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Word Order Quiz
Multiple Choice Quiz
Click to start or stop audio Julia: ¡Qué sorpresa! ¡estoy contentísima de verte, pasa, pasa!
What a surprise! I am so happy to see you, come in, come in! Santos: Gracias. ¡Qué guapa estás! aquí, te traigo un regalito, espero que te guste.
Thanks. How handsome you are! here, I bring you a little gift, I hope you like it.
Click to start or stop audio Julio: ¿Qué son todas esas bolsas?
What are all those bags? Melissa: Les compré regalos a todos.
I bought gifts for all. Julio: ¿Nos compraste regalos?
Did you buy gifts for us? Melissa: Sí, le compré unos zapatos a Fernandito.
Yes, I bought some shoes for little Fernando. Julio: ¿Qué color le compraste?
What color (shoes) did you buy for him? Melissa: Negro. Y le compré una falda a Karlita.
Black. And I bought a skirt for little Karla. Julio: ¿Te compraste algo para tí?
Did you buy something for yourself? Melissa: ¡Claro! Me compré un vestido.
Certainly! I bought a dress for myself. Julio: ¿Me compraste algo a mí?
Did you buy something for me? Melissa: Bueno, te traje el cambio.
Well, for you I bring the change.
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