Sentence Maker: soon  

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John, I want you to bring us the tickets as soon as you buy them.
Juan, quiero que nos traigas los boletos en cuanto los compres.
I thought that John would bring us the tickets as soon as he bought them.
Creía que Juan nos traería los boletos tan pronto como los comprara.
See you soon!
¡Hasta pronto!
If possible, get out of the house as soon as possible
Si es posible salgan de la vivienda lo antes posible.
John bought the tickets as soon as the park opened.
Juan compró los boletos en cuanto el parque abrió.
Juan, buy the tickets as soon as the park opens.
Juan, compra los boletos tan pronto como el parque abra.
He works harder than you and, most important, he is not as arrogant as soon.
Es más trabajador que tú y, sobre todo, no es tan arrogante.
Please, give me an unripe pineapple, since I'm not going to eat it soon.
Por favor, póngame una piña 'durita', pues no voy a comerla inmediatamente.
It's necessary that Juan returns soon.
Es preciso que Juan vuelva pronto.
I'm sorry. I hope you get better soon.
Lo siento mucho. Espero que te mejores pronto.
It will be necessary for you to return soon.
Será menester que vuelvas pronto.
Mom says that I must do homework as soon as I get home.
Mamá dice que debo hacer las tareas tan pronto como llegue a casa.
Apparently, Bryan Danielson would soon be returning to the WWE.
Al parecer, Bryan Danielson estaría volviendo pronto a WWE.
Mom said that she wanted me to do the homework as soon as I arrived home.
Mamá dijo que quería que yo hiciera las tareas tan pronto como llegara a casa.
It will be necessary for you to return soon.
Será necesario que vuelvas pronto.
Mary will finish her homework soon.
Maria terminará su tarea pronto.
Will you finish your homework soon?
Terminarás pronto tu tarea?
Mary will be able to go to bed as soon as she does the homework.
María podrá acostarse tan pronto como ella haga las tareas.
Every morning, as soon as she gets up, she opens the window.
Cada mañana, en cuanto ella se levanta, abre la ventana.
I hope that John can go to the store soon.
Yo espero que Juan pueda ir a la tienda pronto.
Come as soon as possible.
Ven cuanto antes.
As soon as they know if they can come, they well communicate it to us.
En cuanto sepan si pueden venir, nos lo comunicarán.
Come as soon as you receive the letter.
Ven en cuanto recibas la carta.
As soon as you know if you can come, tell me.
En cuanto sepas si puedes venir, dímelo.
A hug and see you soon.
Un abrazo y hasta pronto.
I hope that your headache goes away soon.
Espero que pronto se te pase el dolor de cabeza.
Provided that there are tickets, I will be at the airport tomorrow.
Con tal de que haya billetes, estaré mañana en el aeropuerto.
Provided that I have time, I will pass by to visit you.
Con tal de que tenga tiempo, pasaré a visitarte.
Provided that you come soon, we can go downtown.
Con tal de que vengas pronto, podremos ir al centro.
As soon as they have looked over your baggage, go to the immigration office.
Tan pronto como les hayan revisado su equipaje, pasen a la oficina de migración.
Okay. I'll see you next week. See you soon.
Bien, nos vemos la semana entrante. Hasta luego.
No, they will not finish all of their work but they will finish it soon afterward.
No, no terminarán todo de su trabajo pero lo terminarán pronto después.
As soon as she sees them, it brings tears to her eyes.
En cuanto los ve, se le saltan las lágrimas.
As soon as you pack the suitcases, we are leaving.
En cuanto prepares las maletas, nos vamos.
I would have gone to the immigration office as soon as they had inspected my baggage.
Tan pronto como me hubieran revisado el equipaje, habría pasado a la oficina de migración.
As soon as you come by, call me.
En cuanto pases, llámame.
Do it to me as soon as possible.
Házmelo lo más pronto posible.
As soon as you buy the gift, we offer it to him.
En cuanto compres el regalo, se lo ofrecemos.
As soon as the car is working, we'll go to the supermarket.
En cuanto el carro esté bueno, iremos al supermercado.
We're sorry you have to leave so soon.
Lamentamos que tenga usted que irse tan pronto.
As soon as we come back from the trip we'll paint the house.
En cuanto nosotros regresemos del viaje pintaremos la casa.
We'll come back as soon as the yacht arrives to the island.
Nosotros regresaremos en cuanto el yate llegue a la isla.
We will walk as soon as the sun rises.
Nosotros caminaremos en cuanto salga el sol.
As soon as I stop, it takes me a lot to start studying.
En cuanto me paro, me cuesta mucho ponerme a estudiar.
Ahh, good, I will do it very soon.
Ah, bueno, lo haré enseguida.
Don Gonzalo accepted without knowing that as soon as he wore the suit, he would be poisoned and die.
Don Gonzalo aceptó sin saber que cuando se pusiese el traje, moriría envenenado.
Call me as soon as you get there.
Llámame en cuanto llegues.
If only it would finish soon.
Ojalá terminara pronto. Ojalá hubiera terminado pronto.
before long, soon
dentro de poco
It will be necessary for you to return soon.
Será menester que vuelvas pronto.
Sergio and Carmen will get married soon!
Sergio y Carmen pronto ¡se casarán!
Don't say bye, but rather see you soon!
No me digas adiós, sino hasta pronto.
It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope to see you again soon.
Fue un placer conocerle a Ud. y espero volver a verle pronto.
I hope he arrives soon.
Espero que llegues pronto.
As soon as you arrive, we will notify him.
En cuanto lleguéis, le avisaremos.
It's necessary that Juan returns soon.
Es menester que Juan vuelva pronto.
They will want to go soon. When will you want to go? We will want to go after we eat.
Querrán ir pronto. ¿Cuándo vas a querer ir? Vamos a querer ir después de comer?
The train has to arrive soon.
El tren ha de llegar pronto.
You will be home soon.
Tú pronto estarás en casa.
I'm going to explain to you the retirement plan as soon as you fill out the job application.
Le voy a explicar el plan de retiro en cuanto llene la solicitud de empleo.
Eat as soon as you can so that you can go play.
Tan pronto como tú puedas come, para ir a jugar.
Rafael comes for dinner as soon as his show will be over.
Rafael, en cuanto termine su programa, viene a cenar.
Pardon me, I will arrive as soon as I can.
Perdóneme, llegaré tan pronto como yo pueda.
As soon as we know what there is to do, we will let you know.
En cuanto sepamos lo que hay que hacer, te avisaremos.
As soon as there are apartments to rent I will let you know.
En cuanto haya pisos para alquilar le avisaré.
If they were to accept your candidacy, you would begin to work very soon.
Si aceptaran tu candidatura, empezarías a trabajar muy pronto.
As soon as it is possible, we will rent it.
En cuanto sea posible lo alquilaremos.
If you were to come soon, we could go to the movies.
Si vinieras pronto, podríamos ir al cine.
As soon as we can.
Tan pronto podamos.
As soon as we can we will rent a larger one.
En cuanto podamos alquilaremos uno más grande.
He'll return soon from the trip.
Él regresará pronto del viaje.
As soon as he has time he will come by to see us.
En cuanto tenga tiempo pasará a vernos.
We'll travel soon to Italy.
Nosotros viajaremos pronto a Italia.
If he comes, I will see him. As soon as he comes I will see him.
Si viene, lo veré. En cuanto venga lo veré.
Come back as soon as possible.
Vuelva usted cuanto antes.
You will go to live in Barcelona as soon as you find a job.
Te irás a vivir a Barcelona en cuanto encuentres trabajo.
We will leave for a walk as soon as you all finish working.
Saldremos a pasear en cuanto terminéis de trabajar.
I will tell him what I think as soon as I see Pedro.
Le diré lo que pienso en cuanto vea a Pedro.
I will feel better as soon as I say it.
Me sentiré mejor en cuanto se lo diga.
We will know the news soon.
Sabremos las noticias pronto.
Good-bye! See you soon!
¡Adiós! ¡Hasta pronto!
As soon as he can, he will see it.
En cuanto pueda, lo verá.
As soon as it hurts you, call me.
En cuanto te duela, llámame.
We will be able to enter the park as soon as John brings the tickets.
Podremos entrar al parque tan pronto como Juan traiga los boletos.
We are going to be able to enter the park as soon as Juan brings the tickets.
Vamos a poder entrar al parque tan pronto como Juan traiga los boletos.
John, bring us the tickets as soon as you buy them.
Juan, traenos los boletos en cuanto los compres.
I was hoping that John would bring us the tickets as soon as he bought them.
Esperaba que Juan nos trajera los boletos tan pronto como los comprara.
John will buy the tickets as soon as the park opens.
Juan comprará los boletos en cuanto el parque abra.
I told John that I wanted him to buy the tickets as soon as the park opened.
Le dije a Juan que quería que comprara los boletos tan pronto como el parque abriera.
soon after
Inmediatamente después
I am happy because soon I finish the course.
¡Estoy feliz porque pronto termina el curso!
We hope the weather clears up soon.
Esperamos que el tiempo mejore pronto.
I hope that you come back soon.
Espero que volváis pronto.
Could you come as soon as possible?
¿Puede venir cuanto antes?
I hope that John arrives soon.
Yo espero que Juan llegue pronto.
Start soon! (formal, plural)
Comiencen (Uds.) pronto.
Summer is coming soon.
Pronto llegará el verano.
I recommend that you get married soon!
Te recomiendo que te cases pronto.
As soon as the electrician fixes the motor of the pump, everything will be ready.
Ya casi todo está listo. Sólo falta que el electricista componga el motor de la bomba.
They will buy the automobile as soon as they receive the money.
Ellos comprarán el automóvil en cuanto reciban el dinero.
Is it not all a bit too soon?
Me parece que es demasiado pronto.
I think this is too soon.
Me parece temerario.
This is not a day too soon.
Ya iba siendo hora.
We were told that it was too soon.
Se nos respondió que era demasiado pronto.
It is all too much, too soon.
Son demasiadas cosas de golpe.
You said it would be very soon.
Nos ha dicho que próximamente.
It has not come too soon.
No es demasiado pronto.
But we shall have a decision very soon.
Muy pronto tendremos una decisión.
We all hope that it ends very soon.
Todos esperamos que acabe muy pronto.
And we will remind you of that very soon.
Muy pronto tendremos que volver a recordarles este punto.
That being the case, all I can tell you is that it is too soon.
Por tanto, lo único que puedo decirles, en este caso, es que es demasiado pronto.
It must end as soon as possible.
Debe cesar de inmediato.
I will come to a close soon.
Terminaré muy pronto.
Would the Commission map this out for us soon?
¿Puede la Comisión examinar este asunto a la mayor brevedad posible?
Everyone knows that as soon as ?
Todos sabemos que tan pronto como?
We expect him sometime soon.
Creemos que ya no tardará en llegar.
I hope that it will be in place soon.
Espero que ese programa se ponga en marcha dentro de poco.
In my opinion, this decision is coming too soon.
En mi opinión, esta decisión llega demasiado pronto.
Do you intend to settle it soon?
¿Pretende resolverla pronto?
I hope we will look at that soon.
Espero que lo veamos pronto.
Those troops are required as soon as possible.
Esas tropas deben estar allí lo antes posible.
For them Cancún was a step too far, too soon.
Para ellos Cancún era un paso demasiado largo, y demasiado temprano.
However, we soon realised our mistake.
Sin embargo, pronto comprendimos que nos habíamos equivocado.
I hope that will happen soon.
Y espero que lo haga pronto.
It is essential that we have a commitment as soon as possible.
Es fundamental que lleguemos a un compromiso lo antes posible.
More steps must follow soon.
Pronto deberán tomarse medidas adicionales.
I hope we will meet again soon.
Espero que volvamos a reunirnos pronto.
We hope that will come soon.
Esperemos que llegue pronto.
I myself would not put any money on it any time soon.
Yo no apostaría por que ese acuerdo se alcance pronto.
As soon as you decide what to do with the Services Directive!
Tan pronto sus Señorías hayan decidido qué hacer con la Directiva de Servicios.
I am sad to have to make that point again so soon.
Lamento tener que volver a plantear tan pronto esta cuestión.
Then, as soon as he returned, he was arrested.
Y he aquí que, a su vuelta, ha sido detenido.
It is clear that this situation has to change soon.
Es evidente que esta situación tiene que cambiar pronto.
Therefore this should be eliminated as soon as possible.
Por lo tanto, ello debería eliminarse tan pronto como fuera posible.
I hope she will be back soon.
Espero que vuelva pronto.
All too soon I have been proved right.
No ha pasado mucho tiempo hasta que los hechos me han dado la razón.
Otherwise, we could soon be voted down in this House.
Si lo tuvieran, podrían votar enseguida contra nosotros en esta Cámara.
We nevertheless hope for a solution soon.
No obstante, esperamos una solución pronto.
We are demanding that they be simplified as soon as possible.
Exigimos que se simplifiquen ya.
It will soon be Christmas.
Pronto será Navidad.
Soon it will apply to wine.
Dentro de poco le tocará al vino.
This appeal comes not a minute too soon.
Dicha petición llega en el momento oportuno.
Mr Litvinenko was soon murdered.
Poco después, el señor Litvinenko fue asesinado.
You referred to a summit coming up soon.
Usted se ha referido a la próxima celebración de una cumbre.
We will adopt a decision soon.
Adoptaremos una decisión en breve.
But hopefully it will happen very soon.
No obstante, esperemos que tenga lugar muy pronto.
We must, in fact, do this as soon as possible.
En efecto, tenemos que conseguirlo lo antes posible.
Chee Soon Juan is not a criminal.
Chee Soon Juan no es un delincuente.
We hope it will do so soon.
Espero que lo haga pronto.
They sprout as soon as they have fallen from the tree.
Brotan en cuanto caen del árbol.

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