Sentence Maker: mistake  

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He runs the risk of making a mistake in his diagnosis.
Corre el riesgo de equivocarse en su diagnóstico.
You all run the risk of making a mistake.
Corréis el riesgo de equivocaros.
I think you've made a mistake.
Creo que cometió un error.
Perhaps you have made a mistake.
Tal vez te hayas equivocado.
Despite everything, you have made a mistake.
A pesar de todo, te has equivocado.
This is the fifth mistake that I must correct today!
¡Éste es el quinto fallo que tengo que corregir hoy!
I think there is a mistake.
Creo que hay un error.
There's a mistake.
Hay un error.
If you had told me, I could have avoided this mistake.
Si me lo hubieras dicho habría podido evitar este error.
a slight mistake
Un error leve
Please, there has been a mistake.
Por favor, ha habido un malentendido.
I would not like for them to make a mistake.
No me gustaría que se equivocaran.
The engineers didn’t make a mistake in their calculations.
Los ingenieros no erraron en sus cálculos.
If they make a mistake could I go blind?
¿Si se equivocasen podría quedarme ciego?
You must wear a safety belt! Don’t make the same mistake again.
¡Debe ponerse un cinturón de seguridad! No cometa el mismo error otra vez.
I think I have made a mistake.
Creo que me he equivocado.
The doctor made a mistake with the patient's medicine
El doctor confunde la medicina del paciente.
I think you have made a mistake.
Creo que te has equivocado.
We made a mistake, the train doesn't leave at 3pm, on Saturdays it leaves at 3.30.
Cometimos un error, el tren no sale a las 3pm, los sábados sale a las 3.30.
I think there is a mistake in the bill.
Creo que hay un error en la cuenta.
by mistake
Por equivocación
They have made a mistake in judging her.
Se han equivocado al juzgarla.
I don't want to make the same mistake again!
¡No quiero cometer el mismo fallo de nuevo!
I made a mistake. It's my fault.
Cometí un error. La culpa es mía.
This would be a mistake.
Si así fuera, sería un error.
That would be a mistake.
Eso sería un error.
That would be a mistake.
Sería un error.
That would be a mistake.
Sería un error.
My apologies once again for my mistake.
Le pido nuevamente disculpas por este error.
Further delays would be a mistake.
Sería un error que se produjesen nuevas postergaciones.
This is surely some mistake!
¡En algún sitio tiene que haber un error!
That was a very bad mistake.
Esto ha sido algo muy negativo.
Let there be no mistake about this.
No debe haber malentendidos al respecto.
This really is a mistake.
Se trata realmente de un error.
We have made a mistake.
¡Es un error!
That is the first mistake.
Esta es la primera inexactitud.
That was a mistake on their part.
Se han equivocado.
That is a fundamental mistake.
Se trata de un error fundamental.
That is a great mistake.
Tremendo error.
A mistake has been made.
Ha ocurrido un equívoco.
Could there perhaps have been a mistake?
¿Puede tratarse de un error?
It seems to me that is a mistake.
Y eso me parece un error.
I think that this is a mistake.
Creo que esto es un error.
That was a mistake and a failure.
Ha sido un fallo, un error por omisión.
Should we repeat this mistake?
¿Tenemos que repetir ese error?
I believe that this is a mistake.
Pienso que es un error.
That was our mistake in the past.
Este fue nuestro error en el pasado.
That would have been a tragic mistake.
Hubiera sido un error trágico.
I apologise for the mistake.
Lamento el error.
It was a mistake to reject it.
Y fue un error rechazarlo.
This is a big mistake.
Es un gran error.
That would be a big mistake.
Esto sería una gran equivocación.
This mistake cannot be repeated.
No hay que repetir este error.
It would be an historic mistake.
Sería un error histórico.
I think that is a mistake.
Me parece un error.
That is our big mistake.
Este es nuestro gran error.
I think that this was a mistake.
Creo que eso fue un gran error.
In my view, this is a mistake.
En mi opinión, esto un error.
If they are wrong, the mistake is theirs.
Si se equivocan, el error será suyo.
Do not make that mistake.
No cometamos ese error.
That was our first mistake.
Éste fue nuestro primer error.
That would be a huge mistake.
Eso sería un craso error.
That would be a real mistake.
Eso sería una auténtica equivocación.
That would be a big mistake.
Sería un gran error.
Maybe it was a mistake.
Quizás fue un error.
Make no mistake about that.
No nos equivoquemos.
Make no mistake about that.
No se equivoquen en esto.
This was a tragic mistake!
Esto fue un trágico error.
I am convinced that this is a mistake.
Estoy convencido de que eso es un error.
This would be a mistake, however.
Sin embargo, cometeríamos un error.
We should not make the same mistake again.
No deberíamos repetir este error otra vez.
I believe that is a mistake.
Creo que es un error.
I think that would be a mistake.
Creo que eso sería un error.
I think that this is a mistake.
Creo que se trata de un error.

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