Sentence Maker: hope
The lawyers hope that the jury has been summoned.
I hope that the paintings interest the students.
I hope that you all have been able to help her.
I hope that this explanation clarifies any doubt.
I hope that the girls have bought the tickets.
We hope that he had repented of all his sins.
I hope that the movie tickets have not sold out.
I hope all of you identify with this cause.
I hope that you can give it to him today.
Yo espero que tú se lo puedas dar hoy.
I hope that they don't lose it.
Yo espero que ellos no lo pierdan.
I hope that we can go to the party.
Yo espero que nosotros podamos ir a la fiesta.
I hope that John doesn't get sick.
Yo espero que Juan no se ponga enfermo.
I hope so
Eso / Así lo espero
I hope that I do not get a headache now!
¡Espero que no me duela la cabeza ahora!
I hope that John hasn't felt sick.
Espero que Juan no se haya sentido enfermo.
I hope that John helps me.
Yo espero que Juan me ayude.
I hope that John doesn't break the window.
Yo espero que Juan no rompa la ventana.
John, I hope that you don't break the window.
Juan, yo espero que tú no rompas la ventana.
I hope we shall meet again.
Espero que volvamos a vernos.
I hope that Mary likes the music.
Yo espero que a María le guste la música.
I hope that she gives it to me.
Yo espero que ella me lo dé.
We hope the weather clears up soon.
Esperamos que el tiempo mejore pronto.
Being married gives me so much hope.
El casarme me hace mucha ilusión.
I hope that you come back soon.
Espero que volváis pronto.
I hope that the secretary sends it to him tomorrow.
Yo espero que la secretaria se lo mande mañana.
I hope that you can buy it.
Yo espero que tú la puedas comprar.
I hope that you can help Mary.
Yo espero que tú puedas ayudar a María.
I hope that you can help her.
Yo espero que tú la puedas ayudar.
Very good, I hope so
Muy bien, eso espero
I hope that you can deliver them to them tomorrow.
Yo espero que tú se los puedas entregar mañana.
I hope that the team wins.
¡Ojalá que el equipo gane!
I hope that you have a flashlight in your backpack.
Espero que lleves la linterna en la mochila.
I hope that the drug store has it.
Yo espero que la farmacia la tenga.
I hope that you like the gift.
Yo espero que te guste el regalo.
I hope that Mary has gone to bed.
Espero que María se haya acostado.
I hope that Mary likes the gift.
Yo espero que a María le guste el regalo.
I hope that you all like the museum.
Yo espero que a ustedes les guste el museo.
I hope you are feeling better.
Espero que te sientas mejor.
I hope that the students like the museum.
Yo espero que a los alumnos les guste el museo.
I hope she is feeling better.
Espero que ella se sienta mejor.
I hope that the medicine relieves the fever.
Yo espero que la medicina baje la fiebre.
I hope that the boys like the gift.
Yo espero que a los muchachos les guste el regalo.
I hope that they like the gift.
Yo espero que a ellos les guste el regalo.
I hope that they like it.
Yo espero que a ellos les guste.
I hope that he gives it to her.
Yo espero que él se lo dé.
I hope that John has delivered the check to him.
Espero que Juan le haya entregado el cheque.
I hope they buy the house.
Espero que compren la casa.
And that was my hope.
Y esa era mi esperanza.
That is why there is hope.
Por ello, no hay que perder la esperanza.
I hope that is so.
Confío en que así sea.
I hope we do not.
¡Ojalá que no!
There is no hope any more.
Ya no hay esperanza.
I hope that you do.
Espero que lo haga.
I hope that this is so.
Espero que esta se cumpla.
We hope that there is.
Esperamos que la haya.
I hope that she does.
Espero que la acepte.
We have some hope, but no more than that!
Hay una esperanza, pero, ¡no más!
Hope for peace, hope for fraternity, hope for progress.
Una esperanza de paz, una esperanza de fraternidad, una esperanza de progreso.
I hope that it works out.
Espero que resulte bien.
I hope for their adoption.
Espero que las aprueben.
I hope that this is a misunderstanding.
¡Espero que se trate de un malentendido!
I hope you enjoy it.
Espero que lo disfruten.
I hope that it does just that!
¡Espero que lo haga!
We hope that you succeed.
Esperamos que lo consiga.
I hope that is appreciated.
Espero que se agradezca.
I hope that does not happen.
Espero que no sea así.
I would very much hope we could do that.
Deseo fervientemente que podamos lograrlo.
I hope that was not true.
Espero que no fuese cierto.
At any rate, we hope so.
Así lo esperamos, en todo caso.
That is what we hope for from the Council and from you.
Eso es lo que esperamos del Consejo y de usted.
I hope that it does not happen again.
Espero que no vuelva a ocurrir.
I hope that we succeed.
Espero que nos vaya bien.
I hope that you would not want that!
Y creo que esto no es lo que desea.
I hope that it is on its way.
Espero que la información esté en camino.
I hope that I have succeeded in this.
Espero haberlo conseguido.
At any rate, that is my hope.
I hope it is successful.
Espero que tengamos éxito.
Neither have you, I hope.
Espero que usted tampoco.
We say and we hope that it did.
Nosotros decimos que sí, y tenemos esperanzas en que así sea.
I hope we can do that.
Confío en que seamos capaces de hacerlo de esa forma.
That is our most fervent hope.
Ésta es nuestra ferviente esperanza.
I hope you are in agreement.
Espero que sus Señorías convengan al respecto.
I hope there are no objections to this.
Espero que no haya ninguna objeción.
I am sure we would and I hope we would.
Estoy seguro de que habría sido así y espero que así sea.
I hope I am wrong.
Espero estar equivocado.
I sincerely hope that is so.
Espero sinceramente que así sea.
I hope there has not been a misunderstanding.
Espero que no se haya producido ningún malentendido.
I hope that it can.
Espero que así sea.
I hope this is not a presage.
Espero que esto no sea un presagio.
I hope he will do more.
Espero que hará más.
It is their only ray of hope.
Es su único rayo de esperanza.
I hope they go through.
Espero que se aprueben.
I have hope, and that is everything.
Tengo esperanza, y eso lo es todo.
I hope there will be more of them than that.
Espero que haya incluso más.
I hope that this is the beginning.
Espero que esto sea el principio.
This is my sincere hope.
Éste es mi sincero deseo.
I hope that they have been of some use.
Espero que hayan tenido cierta utilidad.
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