Spanish Word for shoemaker  

English Word: shoemaker

Spanish Word: zapatero
The Spanish Word for shoemaker
Now you know how to say shoemaker in Spanish. :-)
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Translated sentences containing 'shoemaker'
The shoemaker is sad.
El zapatero está triste.
That man over there is a shoemaker.
Aquel hombre es zapatero.
The shoemaker arrived at 3:05.
El zapatero llegó a las tres y cinco.

Shoemaker, stay at your last, and European Union, for heaven's sake stick to your areas of competence.
Zapatero, a tus zapatos, y Unión Europea, por el amor de Dios, limítate a tus áreas de competencia.
The accused, one of whom is sixteen years old, come from humble backgrounds: a cemetery caretaker, a shoemaker, a ritual performer of circumcisions, a teacher of Hebrew.
Estos acusados, uno de los cuales tiene 16 años de edad, podrían ser de origen muy modesto: vigilante de cementerio, zapatero, practicante de circuncisiones, profesor de hebreo.
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