Spanish Word for refreshments  

English Word: refreshments

Spanish Word: refrigios
The Spanish Word for refreshments
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Translated sentences containing 'refreshments'
I'm not bringing either refreshments or sandwiches for anyone.
No voy a traer ni refrescos ni sánguches para nadie.
Mom did not bring cookies neither refreshments for the trip.
Mamá no trajo galletas ni refrescos para el viaje.

At last airlines will be forced to provide passengers with the food and refreshments they deserve, with the dignity and respect they deserve.
Por fin se obligará a las compañías aéreas a ofrecer a los pasajeros la comida y bebida que merecen, con la dignidad y respeto que merecen.
Here, too, we are trying to be consistent, by guaranteeing assistance and offering meals, refreshments, alternative travel options and overnight stays, if necessary.
También en este aspecto intentamos ser coherentes al garantizar asistencia y comidas, refrescos, opciones alternativas de viaje y alojamiento, en caso necesario.
In such instances, meals or refreshments must be offered, as well as hotel accommodation for a maximum of two nights.
En tales casos, se ofrecerán comidas o refrigerios, así como alojamiento en un hotel hasta un máximo de dos noches.
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