English Word: bullfight
Spanish Word: la corrida de toros, corrida de toros
Now you know how to say bullfight in Spanish. :-)
Translated sentences containing 'bullfight'
You changed your mind after seeing a bullfight.
Habéis cambiado de opinión tras haber visto una corrida.
I bumped into Juan when he was buying tickets for the bullfight on the 7th.
Encontré a Juan cuando él estaba comprando las entradas para la corrida del 7.
All spectators will remain seated throughout the bullfight.
Todos los espectadores permanecerán sentados durante la lidia.
The one that interrupted the bullfight would be expelled.
Se expulsaría al que interrumpiera la lidia.
There will be a bullfight in my hometown next Sunday.
El domingo habrá una corrida de toros en mi pueblo.
This does not mean that the spectacle of the bullfight and the tradition associated with it should not evolve and adapt to the moral values of the time.
Ello no significa que el espectáculo del toreo y la tradición asociada a él no deba evolucionar y adaptarse a los valores morales de cada época.
Having said that, I am repulsed by the spectacle of the bullfight as it is currently practised in Portugal and in other EU Member States.
Sin embargo, me repulsa el espectáculo del toreo que actualmente se practica en Portugal y en otros Estados miembros de la UE.
My Spanish colleague Mr García-Margallo y Marfil talked in terms of Mr Karas's winning a bullfight, and that makes me angry with him, as I do not like bullfights.
Mi colega español, el Sr. García-Margallo y Marfil, ha comparado al Sr. Karas con un torero que gana una corrida, y esto me molesta porque no me gustan las corridas de toros.
The bullfight is much nobler than hunting, where at the end of the day the animal dies without being able to defend itself.
La corrida es mucho más noble que la caza, en la que, al fin y al cabo, se mata al animal sin que el animal pueda defenderse.
I voted this way because the fighting bull must not be allowed to die out, and its existence is safeguarded by the institution of the bullfight.
He votado así porque no hemos de permitir que el toro de lidia se extinga, y su existencia queda salvaguardada por la institución del toreo.
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More Spanish - English Translations
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