el jugo - juice, sap, something of substance or...
el juanete - bunion
el kilometraje - mileage, but using kilometers rather...
justo - just, fair (in the sense of being...
el judas - traitor, betrayer
el juguete - toy, plaything
el jamón - ham
la jabalina - javelin
la jarra - jug, pitcher, mug (as for beer)
el jefe, la jefa - chief, boss, manager, leader, head...
el kayac - kayak, kayaking
juvenil - youthful, youth-oriented, juvenile
justificable - justifiable
la jerarquía - hierarchy, someone high in the hierarchy
la juntura - joint, junction, juncture, place...
la jungla - jungle
jaque, jaque mate - check, checkmate (chess terms)
el jarabe - syrup
la jalea - jelly, gelatin dessert
jaibón - pretentious, snobbish, stuck-up,...