Translate intencional to English  

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Spanish Word: intencional

English Translation: intentional

More Spanish -> English Translations
  crujido - crack, crackle, creaking, crunch
  acuñación - coinage
  turbante - turban
  realquilado - lodger, roomer
  grato - agreeable, pleasant
  pinturero - fop
  luchador - wrestler
  cabaret - cabaret, nightclub
  infanticidio - infanticide
  abad - abbot
  bañarse - bath (have a ~), swim, bathe, have a...
  primario - basic, primary
  convincente - convincing
  chantajista - blackmailer, racketeer
  apreciacion - appraisal, valuation
  desgarbado - ungainly
  suposición - assumption, supposition
  amerindio - indian
  sin mangas - sleeveless
  improbabilidad - improbability

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