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Spanish Word: condena

English Translation: sentence

Translated sentences containing 'condena'
No será libre hasta que cumpla su condena.
He won’t be free until he finishes his sentence.
No hubo condena.
A conviction was not made.
No hubo condena.
A conviction was not made.
No hubo condena.
A conviction was not made.
No hubo tal condena.
There was no such condemnation.
Condena de Grigory Pasko (Rusia)
Sentencing of Grigory Pasko (Russia)
Ya ha cumplido su condena.
He has served his sentence.
La condena pública no es suficiente.
Public condemnation is not enough.
No podemos permitirnos, por tanto, ninguna condena más.
Therefore, we cannot afford to be condemned like this again.
La condena a inelegibilidad es el referente.
The fact that it involves ineligibility is what concerns us.
He expresado nuestra condena a estas bárbaras prácticas incalificables.
I have expressed our condemnation of these unspeakably barbaric acts.
La condena fue confirmada la semana pasada.
The conviction was upheld last week.
Amnistía Internacional condena la tortura institucionalizada.
Amnesty International condemns the institutionalised torture that takes place in these countries.
¿Condena la política execrable emprendida por Sharon?
Do we condemn Sharon' s policy of adopting the worst possible line?
Una condena similar hemos visto en Sudán.
A similar verdict has been passed in Sudan.
Sin embargo, la condena se queda corta.
However, the condemnation does not go far enough.
La condena solo en palabras es hipocresía.
Condemnation in word only is hypocrisy.
Manifestemos por consiguiente nuestra condena más enérgica.
Let us then condemn these acts in the strongest possible terms.
Ni tampoco la condena de esta violación.
Nor is condemnation of these violations new.
Ambas dictaduras inhumanas merecen la misma condena.
Both inhumane dictatorships deserve equal condemnation.
Exigen nuestro compromiso, condena y acción.
These demand our engagement, condemnation and action.
Esta agresión merece una condena inequívoca.
The attack deserves our unequivocal condemnation.
¿Se discute, se vota y se condena?
Is this being discussed, voted on and condemned?
La resolución ni siquiera condena la violencia.
The resolution does not even condemn the violence.
Guantánamo: condena inminente a la pena de muerte (
Guantánamo: imminent death penalty decision (
Este Pleno expresó la misma condena.
This House has itself expressed the same condemnation.
Condena a muerte en los Estados Unidos
Death sentence in the United States
Condena del Sr. Öcalan a la pena capital
Death sentence on Mr Öçalan
Esta violencia condena a muerte a todos los palestinos, pero condena también a la democracia israelí.
This violence condemns all Palestinians to death, but it also condemns Israeli democracy.
¿Una mujer que ha cumplido condena en prisión con dos de sus hijos aún cumpliendo condena?
A woman who served time in prison, and two of whose children are still in prison?
África no se merece la condena del olvido, la condena de la falta de esperanza, la condena del hambre y de la miseria.
Africa does not deserve to be condemned to oblivion, hopelessness, starvation and poverty.
No tiene sentido analizar ahora la causa de la condena.
It makes no sense now to look into the reason for the sentence.
Cuando se les condena, se hace contra todo derecho.
If they are then sentenced, this happens with total disregard for the law.
En Turquía todavía se condena por motivos políticos.
In Turkey, people are also still being convicted on political grounds.
Cuando la condena está motivada, se presentan apelaciones.
Where there are grounds for conviction, appeals are being launched.
Y en este caso, denuncia equivale a decir condena.
And in this case, revealing the truth can only lead to condemnation.
Nuestra condena al terrorismo debe ser global y sin excepción.
Our condemnation of terrorism must be global and there should be no exception.
La condena del dictador Sadam Husein parece unánime.
The condemnation of the dictator Saddam Hussein appears unanimous.
En Pakistán se condena a muerte a personas por pertenecer a una religión.
In Pakistan people are being sentenced to death for belonging to a religion.
Una condena del saqueo cometido por el régimen de Mobutu.
A condemnation of the plundering carried out by the Mobuto regime.
Esto es intolerable y nuestra condena es férrea.
This is intolerable and our condemnation is unswerving.
Sabemos que la Unión Europea ya ha expresado su condena.
We know that the European Union has already expressed its condemnation.
Estas medidas, sin embargo, no pueden reducirse a una mera condena verbal.
These measures, however, cannot be reduced to mere verbal condemnation.
Esta Cámara lo condena en cualquier lugar del mundo.
This House condemns it everywhere, all over the world.
Ha cumplido su condena y ahora debe ser libre.
He has served his sentence and he should now be free.
El informe condena sin ambigüedades cualquier forma de terrorismo.
The report unequivocally condemns all forms of terrorism.
Esta Cámara siempre condena las ejecuciones, dondequiera que se produzcan.
This House always condemns executions, wherever they take place.
La Comisión Europea condena firmemente este acto cruel y cobarde.
The European Commission vigorously condemns this cruel and cowardly act.
Cumplió toda la condena, tres años de prisión.
He served his full sentence, namely three years in prison.
La simple condena no parece que vaya a ser suficiente.
Mere condemnation is unlikely to be anything like enough.
El UKIP condena y se opone a cualquier forma de terrorismo.
UKIP abhors and opposes terrorism in all forms.
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More Spanish -> English Translations
  condesa - countess
  condición - condition, state; kind
  condimento - condiment, spice
  cóndor - condor
  conducir - (pres. [conduzco], past abs
  conducta - behavior
  conducto - pipe
  congreso - congress
  conmemorativo - -a, commemorative
  conmovido - -a, moved, touched
  conocido - acquaintance
  conserva - preserve; en ----, preserved
  considerable - considerable
  considerablemente - considerably
  consigo - with him (self)
  constantemente - constantly
  constitución - constitution
  construcción - construction, building
  construyó - past abs. of construir
  consuela - pres. of [consolar.]

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