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Spanish Word: cinco

English Translation: five

Translated sentences containing 'cinco'
Cinco están heridos.
Five are wounded.
Eran las cinco.
It was five o'clock.
Está a cinco kilómetros de aquí.
It's five kilometers from here.
Yo pagué cinco dólares.
I paid (pagar) five dollars.
El dólar cayó cinco centavos
The dollar fell five cents (in value).
Citaré cinco.
I will mention five of them.
Permítame hacer cinco observaciones.
Allow me to make five observations.
Deseo destacar cinco cuestiones:
I would like to highlight five questions:
Quiero plantear cinco puntos.
I wish to raise five points.
Medía cinco centímetros menos.
He was five centimetres too short.
Me gustaría hacer cinco comentarios.
I should like to make five points.
Con cinco es imposible.
With five it is impossible.
Enumeraré cinco muy rápidamente:
I shall quickly go through five of them:
Arrestaron a cinco instructores iraníes.
They arrested five Iranian instructors.
Quisiera realizar cinco comentarios.
I would like to make five comments.
Presento cinco propuestas.
I put forward five proposals.
He agotado mis cinco minutos.
My five minutes are up.
Tomará cinco minutos.
It will take five minutes.
Tengo cinco observaciones.
I should like to make five points.
Me ha ocurrido cinco veces.
Five times that has happened to me.
Hay cinco millones de daneses y cinco millones de escoceses.
There are five million Danes and five million Scots.
De aquello hace cinco años; repito: cinco años.
That was five years ago, I repeat five years ago.
Esto se ha aplazado cinco minutos cada cinco minutos.
This has moved by five minutes every five minutes.
Se han previsto cinco meses.
Five months are provided for this.
¡Sí! Añadiré otros cinco cometidos.
Yes, I should like to outline five.
He recibido cinco propuestas de resolución
I have received five motions for resolutions
- He recibido cinco propuestas de resolución
I have received five motions for resolutions
He recibido cinco propuestas de resolución
I have received five motions for resolutions to wind up the debate
Voy a señalar cinco de ellos.
I would like to single out five of them.
El FED abarca cinco años.
The EDF covers five years.
Hemos vivido cinco años juntos.
We have spent five years together.
Quiero comentar rápidamente cinco cuestiones.
I wish to make five quick points.
Estos son cinco aciertos importantes.
These are five important successes.
La Comisión dura cinco años.
The Commission sits for five years.
El ponente tiene cinco minutos.
The rapporteur has five minutes.
Establecimos cinco ámbitos de actuación.
We established five areas of action.
Me gustaría referirme brevemente a cinco puntos.
I would like to briefly refer to five points.
Tengo cinco comentarios que hacer.
I have five points to make.
Bueno, cinco horas no es normal.
Well, five hours is not normal.
Me gustaría realizar cinco conclusiones breves.
Then I would like to make five short concluding remarks.
Tengo que hacer cinco observaciones.
I have five observations to make.
Ya hemos esperado cinco minutos.
We have already been waiting for five minutes.
Me refiero a cinco cuestiones en concreto.
I am thinking about five points in particular.
Haré cinco observaciones muy breves.
I shall make five very short remarks.
Cinco sobre más de setenta.
Five out of more than seventy.
Estaba apoyada por cinco países.
It was supported by five countries.
Necesitamos al menos cinco años.
We need at least five years.
Estas se refieren a cinco apartados:
These relate to five paragraphs.
Cinco de ellas reciben, entre las cinco, menos del cinco por ciento de los 18 millones de ecus del presupuesto.
Five of them together absorbed less than 5 % of the ECU 18m budget.
El Parlamento ha presentado cinco enmiendas.
Five amendments have been presented by Parliament.
Lo voy a definir en cinco puntos.
I will set this out in five points.
De hecho podemos tener cinco puntos.
It is okay to have five points.
Han tenido cinco años para hacerlo.
They have had five years to do it.
Llevo cinco meses esperando esta respuesta.
I have been waiting five months for that reply.
Quisiera hacerle cinco preguntas al respecto.
There are five questions I would like to ask you.
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  cinematógrafo - cinematograph
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  circunstancia - circumstance; quality
  ciruela - plum
  ciudad - city
  ciudadano - citizen
  civil - civil
  claramente - clearly, evidently
  claro,clara - clear, evident; light
  clase - class
  clavo - nail
  cliente - customer
  clima - climate
  cobarde - coward
  cobre - copper
  cobrizo,cobriza - copper-colored
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