Discussing Air Travel  


agencia de viajes (f) - travel agency
automóvil de renta (m) - rental car
azafata (f) - flight attendant
cacahuates (m) - peanuts
estacionamiento (m) - parking lot
ida y vuelta (adj) - roundtrip
importe del boleto (m) - ticket price
jurar - to swear
maleta (f) - suitcase
maletín (m) - briefcase
mi palabra - my word
parada (f) - stop, travel stop
pasaje (m) - ticket
pase de abordar (m) - boarding pass
pasillo (m) - aisle
plaza (f) - seat, occupancy
puerta (f) - gate
refrigerio (m) - snack
seguro de viaje (m) - travel insurance
tener prisa - to be in a hurry

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