Verb Practice - traer  

Yo traigo los boletos.
I'm bringing the tickets.
María quiere que yo traiga los boletos.
Mary wants me to bring the tickets.
María quería que yo los trajera.
Mary wanted me to bring them.
Yo traje los boletos.
I brought the tickets.
Yo le dije a María que los iba a traer.
I told Mary that I was going to bring them.
¿ Vas a traer los boletos?
Are you bringing the tickets?
Yo creo que María los trae.
I think that Mary is bringing them.
Nosotros traemos los boletos.
We are bringing the tickets.
María dice que los muchachos traen los boletos.
Mary says that the boys are bringing the tickets.
María quiere que yo traiga los boletos.
Mary wants me to bring the tickets.
María quiere que yo los traiga.
Mary wants me to bring them.
Yo los voy a traer.
I am going to bring them.
Yo quiero que tú traigas los boletos.
I want you to bring the tickets.
Es importante que tú los traigas.
It's important that you bring them.
¿ Vas a traer los boletos?
Are you going to bring the tickets?
¿ Los vas a poder traer?
Are you going to be able to bring them?.
Yo esperaba que tú trajeras los boletos.
I was hoping that you would bring the tickets.
¿ Trajiste los boletos?
Did you bring the tickets?
Yo espero que Juan traiga los boletos.
I hope that John brings the tickets.
Yo no sé si Juan los va a traer.
I don't know if John is going to bring them.
Yo no sé si Juan los puede traer.
I don't know if John can bring them.
¿ Sabes si Juan va a poder traer los boletos?
Do you know if John is going to be able to bring the tickets?
Yo espero que Juan los traiga.
I hope that John brings them.
Yo no sé si Juan puede traer los boletos.
I don't know if John can bring the tickets.
Yo no sabía si Juan los iba a poder traer.
I didn't know if John was going to be able to bring them.
Yo esperaba que Juan trajera los boletos.
I was hoping that John would bring the tickets.
Yo esperaba que Juan los pudiera traer.
I was hoping that John could bring them.
Nosotros no podemos traer los boletos.
We can't bring the tickets.
Nosotros no los trajimos.
We didn't bring them.
María quería que nosotros trajéramos los boletos pero no pudimos.
Mary wanted us to bring the tickets but we couldn't.
Yo creía que nosotros íbamos a poder traer los boletos.
I thought that we were going to be able to bring the tickets.
Nosotros no los pudimos traer.
We couldn't bring them.
Los muchachos traen los boletos.
The boys are bringing the tickets.
Yo espero que los muchachos los traigan.
I hope that the boys bring them.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a traer los boletos.
I thought that the boys were going to bring the tickets.
¿ Sabes si los muchachos los van a poder traer?
Do you know if the boys are going to be able to bring them?.
Yo esperaba que los muchachos trajeran los boletos.
I was hoping that the boys would bring the tickets.
Yo esperaba que los muchachos los pudieran traer.
I was hoping that the boys would be able to bring them.
Los muchachos trajeron los boletos.
The boys brought the tickets.
Yo no sé si los muchachos los trajeron.
I don't know if the boys brought them.
Ellos no los pudieron traer.
They couldn't bring them.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a poder traer los boletos.
I thought that the boys were going to be able to bring the tickets.
Nosotros esperábamos que los muchachos los trajeran.
We were hoping that the boys would bring them.
Nosotros no sabíamos si los muchachos iban a poder traer los boletos.
We didn't know if the boys were going to be able to bring the tickets.
Nosotros esperábamos que los muchachos los pudieran traer.
We were hoping that the boys could bring them.
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